Thursday, October 15, 2020

#TKTD17 Scare-oling and Autumn Songs Coming--This new show will be published 10/22

Until we publish Episode 17, be sure to check out previous episodes, especially our newest Hispanic Heritage Songs!


Scare-oling & Autumn songs Sing a spooky song, a football fight song, a song about autumn. One of the BEST times of the year is here!! Everyone is welcome! Kids, please be sure to check with your parents that I can post this--put a thumbs-up on your selfie if you got permission! Parents: If your child records in TKTD links, they will be published on the blog at 1. Click the red camera and record 2. Take a selfie and put a thumbs up emoji if I can publish your song! 3. Submit. Performances are moderated, which means once you submit no one will see the video until I publish them!


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