Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tiny Kids at Tiny Desks Episode 5: Gratitude

Finnian performs Jabberwocky, a song he composed based on the poem by Lewis Carroll.

Thrishul and Shradhaa playing Tabla, traditional Indian drums

Shradhaa demonstrating her homemade instruments to add to the Tabla timbres

Ms. Turgeon is grateful for many people!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tiny Kids at Tiny Desks Episode 4 Happy Earth Day to You!

Gabriel playing "Aardvark Boogie"

Y'all, this is very cool--L & E decided to figure out the melody of the SPARK Song on their own, from memory and with voice and flute. They did a fine job! I'm so impressed! Now they have the sheet music they are working on that, too.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

SPARK Tiny Kids at Tiny Desks Episode 3

It is SO MUCH FUN seeing performing kids and teachers each week. Thank you to Mary Lin folks Ms. Backus, Luke, Jack, and Giuliana for participating, along with our SPARKies!

A Grady Cluster Trifecta!
Aine (SPARK), Padraig (Inman), and Aisling (Grady) Mahony perform "Ob La Di" by the Beatles

Thursday, April 9, 2020

#SPARKtktd Episode 2: Spring Break Edition

Even though we were on Spring Break we still had kids ready to perform!

You can still submit! flipgrid code:
#SPARKtktd #tktdSpringBreak

Levi F's cousins from Cherokee HS
performing For Good from Wicked

Thursday, April 2, 2020

tiny kids at tiny desks: Episode 1 #SPARKtktd

Be sure to scroll to the bottom to see more performances and information about next week's theme!

Episode 1
Thank you to our performers from SPARK, Morningside, and Inman Middle School!
Our Guest Artist is Mr. Jon Marvel, former Mary Lin Music teacher and currently living, teaching, and playing banjo in Tacoma, WA.

Fireflies performed by 5th grader Miles

Three Little Birds
performed by 5th grader Aine M.

Joyee performs Malaguena

Joyee performs On the Bridge of Avignon

Next week's theme: 
Sing songs about the beach, campfire songs, Disney...take our viewers on a virtual trip to your favorite place or favorite Spring Break Activity!
#tktd2020 #tktdSpringBreak