Happy Holidays to all of our SPARK families! Here is video from Chorus/AC and Orchestra concerts. If anyone has video of the Band concert and the 5th Grade Orchestra concert please share it with me so I can post the results of their hard work!
Chorus and AC at Grady High School with Mary Lin and Grady High School:
Mary Lin and SPARK 4th Grade Orchestra
"If arts have a place in society, they must be a part of a community. To be an artist is not the privilege of a few, but the necessity of us all." –Robert Lawson Shaw
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Friday, December 16, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Congratulations to Tar River Elementary! Winners of the South Region of Give a Note~
Dear Ms. Turgeon,
We were truly inspired by the video created by the students of Springdale Park Elementary. Your community showed outstanding support for your program, but unfortunately, you did not win the South Division for the contest. Please let your students know that we believe they are awesome. As a semifinalist, your school will receive a plaque recognizing your accomplishment.
We wish you the best of luck and we know you will continue to inspire students.
Jane Mell Balek
Executive Director, Give a Note Foundation
We wish you the best of luck and we know you will continue to inspire students.
Jane Mell Balek
Executive Director, Give a Note Foundation
While we did not win the contest I am proud of the work of our Springdale Park students and community! Huge congratulations to Tar River Elementary and their fantastic music teacher, Angela Mangum!
Article about the contest on Talk Up APS: https://talkupaps.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/springdale-park-elementary-school-among-12-semi-finalists-for-music-in-our-schools-tour/
Caroling and Sing-a-Long Season!
Saturday, Dec 3 11am-1pm this is a change from the time
listed in SPARK-e
Caroling for Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes
Our SPARK Chorus and AC has been invited to go caroling
during the Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes. Meet at the YWCA on North
Highland around 10:30am to warm up. Drop ins are welcome~
All families invited:
Wednesday, Dec 7 6pm in the SPARK Gym
Community Sing-a-Long with Atlanta Young Singers An
informal festive holiday event featuring songs for Christmas, Hanukkah,
Kwanzaa, and wintertime. Students who can play chords on guitar or ukulele are
welcome to bring your instruments or small (reasonably quiet) percussion
instruments to play along. We’ll play songs in D, G, C, mostly. Ms. Turgeon
will have chord charts available by Dec 2.
In-school Sing-a-long (during school for kids) Dec. 16 info coming soon
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
ASO Composer Project Update
This year I decided to try something new in light of the major goals for the ASO Composer Project, which are:
The MOST IMPORTANT goals of this project:
During the week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2 in Music class we will have a quiz over the music & composers from the ASO Composer project. Third graders who have Music on Friday, Dec. 2 (Latimore/Lockwood & English/Lockwood) will have their quiz on either Monday or Wednesday.
Students should:
How should the students prepare for the quiz? Listen to a couple minutes of each piece and try to associate the piece with the composer and their nationality/era/facts. The listening examples will be from obvious places in the music (beginnings, major themes). I will not try to be tricky. We have worked on this in class, and the students seem to be able to tell which pieces are which.
Students who complete #1, 2, & 3 on the quiz will be finished with the ASO Composer Project. No further presentation/project will be necessary.
Students who haven't finished the ASO Composer project sheet by their class day (Nov. 28-Dec 2), or who cannot successfully complete the quiz can complete a poster, diorama, video, dance, song, book, comic by the orignial deadline. The ASO Composer Project Sheet and project must be complete by the deadline. No exceptions.
Students who pass the quiz AND complete a project (or who have already completed the project) will receive extra credit. If they are up to date with their daily grade they will earn a 100 on their report card for Music for Second Quarter.
Left: Rossini's Finale from William Tell was popularly used for The Lone Ranger's theme song
Right: The Star Wars Main theme by John Williams has four different themes or "leitmotifs" that represent different characters.
The MOST IMPORTANT goals of this project:
- Listen to the music you will hear on your Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Field Trip
- Learn and REMEMBER a bit about these composers
- Practice doing research and citing your sources
- having fun and being creative with Music
During the week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2 in Music class we will have a quiz over the music & composers from the ASO Composer project. Third graders who have Music on Friday, Dec. 2 (Latimore/Lockwood & English/Lockwood) will have their quiz on either Monday or Wednesday.
Students should:
- Complete the ASO Composer Project sheet (front and back + timeline)
- Identify at least 4 of the 6 composers/pieces by listening and tell a fact about each composer (including era, nationality, etc)
- Tell 2 more facts about your chosen composer
How should the students prepare for the quiz? Listen to a couple minutes of each piece and try to associate the piece with the composer and their nationality/era/facts. The listening examples will be from obvious places in the music (beginnings, major themes). I will not try to be tricky. We have worked on this in class, and the students seem to be able to tell which pieces are which.
Students who complete #1, 2, & 3 on the quiz will be finished with the ASO Composer Project. No further presentation/project will be necessary.
Students who haven't finished the ASO Composer project sheet by their class day (Nov. 28-Dec 2), or who cannot successfully complete the quiz can complete a poster, diorama, video, dance, song, book, comic by the orignial deadline. The ASO Composer Project Sheet and project must be complete by the deadline. No exceptions.
Students who pass the quiz AND complete a project (or who have already completed the project) will receive extra credit. If they are up to date with their daily grade they will earn a 100 on their report card for Music for Second Quarter.
Left: listening map for deFalla's El Amor Brujo "the Haunted Love"
Right: listening map for Smetana's The Moldau
Left: Listening map for Debussy's En Bateau from Petite Suite
Right: Vivaldi's Winter from the Four Seasons alternates between string orchestra (ritornello) and a violin soloist
Left: Rossini's Finale from William Tell was popularly used for The Lone Ranger's theme song
Right: The Star Wars Main theme by John Williams has four different themes or "leitmotifs" that represent different characters.
Listening list for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade:
Fifth Grade Listening List:
Listening maps and resources coming soon!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Veterans Day Tribute from Kindergarten, First, and Second Graders
In honor of Veterans Day our SPARK K, 1st, and 2nd graders recorded a video singing two patriotic songs--"America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)" and "America the Beautiful" to send out to Veterans groups, hospitals, and to post on social media.
My country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing!
Land where my fathers died, land of the Pilgrims' pride.
From ev'ry mountainside let freedom ring!
Our fathers' God to thee, Author of liberty, to thee we sing!
long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light!
Protect us by thy might, great God our King!
Second graders featured:
O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine!
Till all success be nobleness and every gain divine!
O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed his grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!
Thank you, VETERANS!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
ASO Field Trip and Composer Project Information
Permission Slips for ASO, CEP, & Lift Every Voice Field Trips are linked here and above
What is the ASO Field Trip & Project?
All Students at SPARK attend an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert each year. These concerts have different repertoire each year, and give the students a chance to become familiar with all of the instruments of the orchestra, concert etiquette, music history, and other Music standards. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will complete their Second Quarter ASO Composer's Project based on the composers whose music they will hear.
All Students at SPARK attend an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert each year. These concerts have different repertoire each year, and give the students a chance to become familiar with all of the instruments of the orchestra, concert etiquette, music history, and other Music standards. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will complete their Second Quarter ASO Composer's Project based on the composers whose music they will hear.
Students received their ASO Composer Project info last week--week of October 24-28. Please see the tab above for all of the resources to support your work on the ASO Composer Project This post gives basic info, but if you want to find ALL of the info (playlists, project sheet downloads, tech help, etc) it is on the tab linked above.
The MOST IMPORTANT goals of this project:
- Listen to the music you will hear on your Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Field Trip
- Learn and REMEMBER a bit about these composers
- Practice doing research and citing your sources
- having fun and being creative with Music
Tuesday, Dec. 6:
Wednesday, Dec 7:
Thursday, Dec. 8:
Friday, Dec. 9:
Students will:
Find basic biographical information & Fascinating Facts about their composer
Cite their resources
Use the information they found to create a presentation about what they have learned.
Info in the document is from:
www.rpo.com , NPR article, & http://www.kidzsearch.com
Recommended books:
Meet the Great Composers, Bk 1: Book & CD by Maurice Hinson and June C. Montgomery
Story of the Orchestra : Listen While You Learn About the Instruments, the Music and the Composers Who Wrote the Music! by Robert Levine and Meredith Hamilton
Classical Composers: An Illustrated History by Peter Gammond
Claude Debussy (First Discovery: Music) by Pierre Babin
Antonio Vivaldi (First Discovery: Music) by Olivier Baumont
Suggested "Weekly" STEPS: Students may complete a part of a step each week, but it should be clear that s/he has made progress on something weekly. Ms. Turgeon will check progress weekly for classroom points.
Step 1: Listening: CHOOSE YOUR COMPOSER AND LISTEN to his music. Students will listen to music by his/her chosen composer several times and identify the listening elements using correct Music vocabulary. Music can be here OR on Classics for Kids OR on YouTube
Step 2: About the Composer: Student will complete research about his/her composer using various source (online and hardcopy) and find the Required Facts PLUS More Fascinating Facts. All information must be put into your own words.
Step 3 (may take 2-3 weeks, depending on your project design idea): Perform, Create, Display, Present: Student will create or design a way to present his/her facts using the facts from Step 2.
Step 1: Listening: CHOOSE YOUR COMPOSER AND LISTEN to his music. Students will listen to music by his/her chosen composer several times and identify the listening elements using correct Music vocabulary. Music can be here OR on Classics for Kids OR on YouTube
Step 2: About the Composer: Student will complete research about his/her composer using various source (online and hardcopy) and find the Required Facts PLUS More Fascinating Facts. All information must be put into your own words.
Step 3 (may take 2-3 weeks, depending on your project design idea): Perform, Create, Display, Present: Student will create or design a way to present his/her facts using the facts from Step 2.
- Dallas Symphony Orchestra
- NY Philharmonic
- African-American, Hispanic, Women Composers
- Kids Music Corner
- More Women Composers
- Maestro Classics
- Classical Kids Collection
- Hub Pages (used to be Squidoo)
- Kids Konnect
- Classical Kids
of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Creation, and
ELA and Music Standards covered in this project
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
ELACC3W8: Recall information from experience or gather information from print and digital
sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.
ELACC3W10: Write routinely over extended time
frames (time for research, reflection,
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two)
for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.
ELACC4W8: Recall relevant information from
experiences or gather relevant
information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize
information, and provide a list of sources.
ELACC4W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research.
ELACC4W4: Produce
clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
ELACC4W5: With guidance and support from peers
and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or
speak about the subject knowledgeably.
Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse
media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating
the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem
Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge
through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information
from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes
and finished work, and provide a list of sources.
ELACC5W9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and
using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas
or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
ELACC5SL5: Include multimedia components (e.g.,
graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to
enhance the development of main ideas or themes.
Georgia Performance Standard for Music:
M_GM.6 a. Distinguish between repeating and
contrasting sections, phrases, and simple formal structures – AB, ABA, rondo,
Introduction, and Coda.
M_GM.6 b. Describe music using appropriate
vocabulary (e.g., allegro, moderato, adagio, forte, mezzo, piano, crescendo,
decrescendo, upward, downward, step, skip), articulation terms, appropriate
mood and timbre adjectives, and other musical terms: e.g., fermata.
M_GM.6 c. Identify and classify orchestral,
folk, and world instruments by sight and sound.
M_GM.6 d. Aurally distinguish between soprano,
alto, tenor, and bass voices.
M_GM.7 a. Evaluate musical performances of
themselves and others.
M_GM.7 b. Explain personal preferences for
specific musical works and styles using appropriate vocabulary.
M_GM.8 a. Describe the relationship between
music and the other arts.
M_GM.8 b. Describe the relationship between
music and disciplines outside the arts.
M_GM.9 b. Describe the role of music and
musicians in various historical time periods.
The ASO Composer Project was designed to allow students
an opportunity to practice research and writing skills while learning about
classical music and selected composers. This work is intended to support and
enhance skills learned in grade-level Reading, ELA, and Writing classes
including the categories, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Range of Writing, and Presentation of
Knowledge and Ideas.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Virginia Highland Civic Association and Grady Cluster Fall Friendship Festival videos
We're so honored and excited to perform all over our community!
Thursday, September 22 6:30pm (Call time 5:45pm)
Perform for the Virginia Highland Civic Association Annual Meeting at Inman MS
Thursday, September 29 (Warm up learning, playing 4-6pm) Concert at 6pm:
Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival at Grady High School
The main reason for the Fall Friendship Festival is for our elementary Chorus members to get to know some kids from our sister schools and see the ensembles they could participate in at Inman and Grady. Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK will meet to play games, learn some songs together.
Set List:
Check out our concert videos! Thank you so much to Bryan Alli and Heather Dominey for our photo and video contributions!
Friday, September 23, 2016
Music Notes and Announcements
First Quarter Flashcard deadline is here 9/27-30
Scroll down to the next post or click here for all the details!
Pay for Music@SPARK shirts $11 by Tuesday, September 27 ($11 cash or check) so we can pay our awesome and SPARK family-owned vendor Squeegee Sharks. Shirts will be distributed to students who have ordered/paid for them on Wednesday or Thursday.
Come hear the Chorus/AC at the Grady Cluster Fall Friendhip Festival
Thursday, September 29
Chorus and AC members should arrive at 4pm dressed, fed, watered, and ready to sing. We'll warm up, learn, & play with our MES, Lin & Hope-Hill kids 4-6pm. Concert at 6pm
Scroll down to the next post or click here for all the details!
Pay for Music@SPARK shirts $11 by Tuesday, September 27 ($11 cash or check) so we can pay our awesome and SPARK family-owned vendor Squeegee Sharks. Shirts will be distributed to students who have ordered/paid for them on Wednesday or Thursday.
Come hear the Chorus/AC at the Grady Cluster Fall Friendhip Festival
Thursday, September 29
Chorus and AC members should arrive at 4pm dressed, fed, watered, and ready to sing. We'll warm up, learn, & play with our MES, Lin & Hope-Hill kids 4-6pm. Concert at 6pm
Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival at Grady High School
The main reason for the Fall Friendship Festival is for our elementary Chorus members to get to know some kids from our sister schools and see the ensembles they could participate in at Inman and Grady. Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK will meet to play games, learn some songs together.4pm,
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Flashcard Project 2016
Download the Flashcard Project Sheet HERE

During First Quarter all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will complete the Music Flashcard Project
Music Projects are always accepted any time up until the deadline on the day you come to Music. Early projects are always appreciated and earn extra points. Late projects lose 3 points for every school day (not just the Music day) the work is late. Music project grades ALWAYS include the project itself AND the completed Project Sheet.
Students will officially have 4-5 weeks to complete this work. Students should plan to work on quarterly Music projects for about 30 minutes a week. It's best to plan your Music workday the same day as Music class. Students may work with other students in their grade level.
The flashcard project is an opportunity for students to develop better dictionary and paraphrasing skills, learn music vocabulary, practice using a straight edge to draw a staff, and create a toolbox that will help them learn proper music terminology, symbols, and notes on a staff.

Students: When you write your definitions please don't put the vocabulary word into the definitions.
You may use a blank: _____ means the steady pulse in music.
If you have already finished, an easy way to disguise the word in the definition is just use black crayon to color over the word (Sharpie bleeds through the card).
You can use any online kids' Music dictionary:
- Classics for Kids
- https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/english/pdf/callings/music/conducting-course/33619_eng.pdf?lang=eng#page=90
- http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/scollins/music.cfm
- http://www.musicoutfitters.com/music-dictionary-b.htm
- http://musiced.about.com/od/glossaryofterms/Index_of_Music_Terms_Music_Glossaries.htm
- http://www.ducksters.com/musicforkids/music_terms_glossary.php
- http://www.sfcv.org/learn/glossary?gclid=CK3P65T6wbMCFQGFnQodrg4AOQ
- http://www.musicoutfitters.com/music-dictionary-a.htm
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_musical_terminology
Check out the Line and Space Note Tutorial Video:
Fifth Graders will have reversible cards--from one direction they will be Treble Clef cards, and Bass Clef when turned the other way.


Treble Clef: Line notes (from bottom to top): E-G-B-D-F Space notes: F-A-C-E
Bass Clef: Line notes (from bottom to top): G-B-D-F-A Space notes: A-C-E-G
On the answer side be sure to show if the answer is for Treble or Bass Clef
TIPS:If Fourth and Fifth Graders have their cards from last year they may re-use them if they are in good condition and meet the requirements for your grade level.
Line/Space Note Card Tips:
Here are some fun worksheets to help you practice note identification!
This video will not help you much, but if you know any genuine music geeks it will make them laugh hysterically:
Monday, August 22, 2016
Chorus & AC Gig this Saturday at the Center for Civil and Human Rights!
Chorus and AC at the Center for Civil and
Human Rights
August 27-- Call time 8am Performances on the hour at 9am, 10am, 11am, and
What is this event? The Aquarium, World
of Coke, and Center for Civil and Human Rights are hosting the Pemberton Place Educators'
Open House on August 27th. Registration for the Open House begins at 8am for
teachers. Educators will tour the facilities throughout the day, and the
building will open to the general public around 10am.
What is the timeline
of the day? We
will warm up around 8am and do sets of songs on the hour between 9am-12pm. Kids
and their families will receive wristbands (until we run out) to tour the
Center and the World of Coke in between sets.
Additionally, if kids want to hang around between sets we will offer to
teach the songs to educators and kids who want to learn them and/or have
sing-a-longs. SPARK/Mary Lin's group will
sing mostly a cappella with some guitars/drums. Our groups will focus on how
music has been a vehicle for creating unity and enabling change.
I can’t stay for the
entire time. L Singers are not
required to stay for the entire time, and drop ins are also welcome as long as
you know the music and moves--practice videos are on the blog http://springdaleparkmusic.blogspot.com/
on the Chorus & Advanced Chorus
practice files tab (scroll to the bottom).
What is the attire? Singers should wear
SPARK on top, black shoes/pants/skirt/shorts on bottom—remember we’re going for
a uniform look as much as possible. If your child does not have a Music@SPARK shirt
($11 by cash check or online on the Springdale Park website) I have some left
over from last year (the new year's order has not yet been placed). If we don’t
have enough light green shirts I have some dark green Music@SPARK shirts to
loan. If those run out, this year’s SPARK school shirt will be fine.
When we perform in
public our singers are representing SPARK, APS, Ms. Turgeon and you. Any behavior
that does not reflect positively on our group will result in the singer being
asked to leave the performance and/or their ensemble.
Performance video from Ashton's grandfather, William Mills III. THANK YOU for sharing!
Performance video from Ashton's grandfather, William Mills III. THANK YOU for sharing!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Rising 4th/5th Grade Ensemble Survey
Don't forget to sign up for Remind101 or follow this blog via email (see info on the right!)
It's not too late to sign up for your Music choices!
Please complete the survey ASAP!
Please note that your child can choose both instrumental music (band/orchestra) AND vocal music (chorus/AC) OR just one, or neither, but we encourage all children to choose to be part of a musical ensemble.
The only choice you cannot make is both Band and Orchestra, because they meet at the same time.
Scroll down to the next post to see/hear what our Music@SPARK Ensembles can do!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Music@SPARK Spring Concert Videos!
We've had a busy year and a busy spring! Check out the videos that show the results of our hard work!
Music@SPARK Band
May 9, 2016
Sandra Wade, Conductor
Please note, this is 5th grade only. If you have video of the 4th grade please send to bturgeon@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mary Lin & Music@SPARK Orchestra concert
May 11, 2016
Totka Valkova, Conductor
Music@SPARK Chorus and AC present
Somewhere in Time
May 17, 2016
Brianne Turgeon, Conductor
Millie Turek and Jon Marvel, Accompanists
Music@SPARK Band
May 9, 2016
Sandra Wade, Conductor
Please note, this is 5th grade only. If you have video of the 4th grade please send to bturgeon@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Mary Lin & Music@SPARK Orchestra concert
May 11, 2016
Totka Valkova, Conductor
Music@SPARK Chorus and AC present
Somewhere in Time
May 17, 2016
Brianne Turgeon, Conductor
Millie Turek and Jon Marvel, Accompanists
Monday, April 11, 2016
SAVE the DATES & 4th Quarter Music Project SomeWHERE in Time
Our Music@SPARK ensembles are deep in preparation for these upcoming events:
Hi! It's time to start working on the 4th Quarter Music Project!
Our Music@SPARK ensembles are deep in preparation for these upcoming events:
- BAND: Music@SPARK Band concert May 9 (the May 5 date had to be changed) and Grady Cluster Honor Band at MES May 12
- ORCHESTRA: Grady Cluster String Fling May 5 and Music@SPARK and Mary Lin's Orchestra Concert May 11
- CHORUS & AC: Music@SPARK Chorus and AC concert Somewhere in Time May 17--call time 4:30, concert time 6pm
Hi! It's time to start working on the 4th Quarter Music Project!

During the 1970s and 80s there was a fad of putting classical music to a disco beat. The Royal Philharmonic from London and Walter Murphy from the US were popular artists who did this. The biggest hit from this style was called "A Fifth of Beethoven" (video below).
The project is called SomeWHERE in
TIME, and the students need to include a Place, a Time, and Something musical
(covering 2 GPS).
The options are wide open—the students can choose any
music/musician/singer/performer/show/movie they’re interested in and make a
time and place connection. They may be in groups of up to 4 kids from their grade
level. Their topic should be something they are
interested in and want to learn more about. The only limitation is if the song
has lyrics, they must be school-appropriate (not even beeped out words).
I have listed options on the project sheet, but kids are not required to choose from that list if they have their own ideas of how to complete the project; however, if they do not choose from the list they must get approval from me no later than April 22.
Also, please note Rating our Projects and the Reflection on the back must be completed!
Examples (real project ideas from kids):
- A third grade girl loves Justin Bieber—she’s going to sing and dance to a song of his (covering 2 GPS) and find out where and when he was born and some other biographical info. She plans to make a poster with the info and lyrics.
- A fifth grader is very interested in the Medieval era, so he’s going to study music from that era, learn & perform a song (maybe on recorder) and dress up like he is in that time period in Europe.
- A fourth grader is interested in what music might sound like in 2050 on Earth...
- Some fifth grade kids have started their own music business writing songs that help kids memorize academic facts. They are re-writing lyrics to popular songs & singing them (they may make a video), and their business manager will write up how she is advertising their company. The time and place are Atlanta, GA at SPARK in 2016
I hope this project will spark some creativity and give kids a chance to explore their own interests while connecting to Music!
Deadlines (students may turn in projects any time between now and the dates listed. No late projects will be accepted):
Tuesday, May 10: Naman & Thurman
Wednesday, May 11: Butler & Southcombe
Thursday, May 12: Badger/Lockwood, English/Lockwood, Mckie & Redel
Friday, May 13: Latimore/Lockwood, Neal/Lockwood, Hall, & Riggins
Friday, April 1, 2016
Music in (around, near, and far from) our Schools Month
By Brianne
Turgeon, Music/Chorus teacher at Springdale Park Elementary
“Music In Our Schools Month® or “MIOSM®”
is the National Association for Music Education’s annual celebration during
March which engages music educators, students, and communities from around the
country in promoting the benefits of high quality music education programs in
As the Music and Chorus teacher at
Springdale Park Elementary, I take the task of promoting Music Education very
seriously. My personal goal as SPARK’s Music teacher is to make music an
integral part of our school’s fabric that includes the students & teachers,
our parents, the local community, and our community at large.
Throughout the month of March the
students at Springdale Park have been extremely busy and involved in raising
awareness of the deep importance that our school community places on Music. Students
on every grade level have had opportunities to perform and create music, as
well as be audience members for some amazing musical performances!
Scroll down and explore the blog to see what we've been up to all year!
Representing SPARK: March 3 Large Group
Performance Evaluation at Mays High School sponsored by the Georgia Music
Educators’ Association—Advanced
Chorus sang “The Journey”, based on Dvorak’s New World Symphony Largo theme and
“Two Bartok Songs”. These selections were chosen because of the repertoire
Fourth and Fifth Graders saw the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra play on their ASO
field trips. AC earned a Superior rating in sight-singing (reading/singing
music at sight) at LGPE!
Applying Music Skills: March 1-4
Write, Read, Sing, Play Students in Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades
completed their Second Quarter Music Project, for which they applied their
Music class skills and knowledge.
Performing for a school event: March
11 Singing the National Anthem
at the 5th Grade Basketball Challenge
Attending a concert in the community: March
16 Kindergarten and First Graders
attend Music for a Purpose at the Atlanta Symphony
Photos courtesy
of Ms. Corrie Madlem, first grade teacher
Performing at an Arts Fundraiser for
our School: March 17 SPARK Arts Night Art Show Solo/Group performances
Representing SPARK in our community
with one of our sister schools: March 19 Gazoyks Family Show at the Plaza Theatre
Singing and Acting in a play within
our Grady Cluster: March 24-26 several SPARK students were Newsboys in the
Grady High School production of Gypsy
March 29-April 1
March Music Madness: Kahoot Music Vocabulary Showdown ( some 2015 winners pictured)
March Music Madness: Kahoot Music Vocabulary Showdown ( some 2015 winners pictured)
Our Music@SPARK ensembles are also deep in
preparation for these upcoming events:
Band concert May 5 and Grady Cluster Honor
Band at MES May 12
Cluster String Fling May 5 and Music@SPARK and Mary Lin’s Orchestra Concert May
Chorus and AC concert Somewhere in Time May 17
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