Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 29 Fall Friendship Festival Details OPTIONAL PERFORMANCE

UPDATE! If you have any photos/video to share please let Ms. Turgeon know!

MES students singing "The Power of the Dream"

If you did not stay for the Grady Orchestra Chorus you missed them performing "Ghost of John" AND "Stand by Me"!  AND you missed Shia LeBeouf

Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival
at Grady High School’s Auditorium 
(Enter from 10th Street near the Grady Stadium. There is a parking lot there. To get to the auditorium go up the stairs and turn left)

WHEN? Thursday, October 29 4-6pm: 
WHY? For Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK to get to know some kids from our sister schools.  
ATTIRE? Music@SPARK uniform OR SPARK wear (shirts have been ordered, but if they’re not in wear a SPARK shirt. I have a few dark green Music@SPARK shirts to loan)

4pm meeting to play games with the kids from the other schools
4:15-ish each director rehearses the full group songs
4:50-ish each group gets with their director for final notes/practicing getting on stage
5:10 Concert
6pm finished/help set up for Grady’s concert which begins at 7pm!

SPARK: Shumayela, Wade/Motherless, Nottamun Town
ALL: Ghost of John, The Singing School, We Are Going to be Friends, Stand By Me


  1. Can you please elaborate on the location of the Grady High School Auditorium? The blog says 14th Street, but I am suspecting that is a typo. Any idea where to park and where on the campus/block the auditorium is?

    1. Thanks for the question--it was a typo. There is a parking lot at the entrance from 10th (near Monroe). Blog post is updated!
