Friday, September 13, 2013

Advanced Chorus Invited to Sing at the Gwinnett Gladiators' OPENING WEEKEND!

And some comments about last year's performance from the President of the Gwinnett Gladiators, Steve Chapman:

"...I wanted to congratulate you and your chorus on your performance this past Saturday [January 2013]. I have been involved in professional hockey for twenty years. I have heard the Canadian National Anthem performed hundreds of times. The [Springdale] Park Elementary Choir performance was truly one of the best renditions that I have ever heard. It was excellent.

I am not Canadian, but having grown up with hockey, the song has a special place in my heart. We have it performed or played at our games to honor our team members that are Canadian. I can tell you that - to a man - each and every one of them was impressed with the performance.

I hope that you bring your choir back to join us in the future and, honestly, I hope that you continue to sing the Canadian anthem as it is a pleasure to listen to your choir perform it..."

My best,


Steve Chapman
Gwinnett Gladiators Hockey

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