Monday, March 11, 2013

How to use Music Vocabulary to Describe Music

While you are listening to music (any style!) ask yourself/answer the following questions:

  1. Is the beat steady or changing?
  2. Does the rhythm have long held out notes or quick-moving notes? Does it have sounds and silences?  Are there repeated patterns? Is it syncopated? Is it predictable? Does it feel steady or skipping?
  3. Identify the tempo: largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegro, presto. Does it change?
  4. Identify the meter: duple meter (walking), triple meter (swinging)
  5. Identify the dynamics: pianissimo—piano—mezzo piano—mezzo forte—forte—fortissimo Do the dynamics change (crescendo, decrescendo)?
  6. Identify the timbre: string, woodwind, brass, percussion, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, man, woman, child(ren)

Can you name all of the musical symbols you see below?

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