"If arts have a place in society, they must be a part of a community. To be an artist is not the privilege of a few, but the necessity of us all." –Robert Lawson Shaw
Fourth and Fifth Graders at SPARK have several choices to make about the courses they'd like to study for Music. See the tabs at the top of the page for videos of performances by each ensemble! FIFTH GRADERS who plan to continue with their selections from last year do not have to do anything further. Any changes require a parental note indicating this year's selections; however, switching from Band to Orchestra (or vice versa) is not permitted. The Music@SPARK staff encourages all students to stick with their choices and really give their training their best effort throughout Fourth and Fifth grades! You may indicate your choices here:
The choices and additional information are listed below. 5th graders who were in Band or Orchestra last year will be automatically re-enrolled in their chosen ensemble.
Ensemble Descriptions:
Band--choose from Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, and some percussion
Orchestra--choose from Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
Extra-- Attends Environmental Science
Advanced Chorus --Performs with the Chorus AND attends after school rehearsals on Fridays until 4:30pm
Chorus Performer--Learns Chorus music during Music Class, performs in concerts
Chorus Non-Performer--Learns Music during Music Class, but does not choose to perform
The Music@SPARK performance uniform for Band, Orchestra and Chorus is: