Friday, December 18, 2015

ASO Composer Project Sticker Voting Winners!

Thank you to the teachers who brought your students to sticker voting for our ASO Composer Projects. These projects enabled students to listen to, and learn about, composers they could hear at an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert.  The students did a really great job this year, and we had more than 60 projects entered into the sticker voting!

The winners of the sticker voting were:

·         First Place: Third Grader Trevor G. with the water bottle galaxy representing Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”. Trevor suspended each planet within the 5 gallon water bottle, painted the planets to show the terrain, and attached clues about how each planet’s music sounded, according to Holst.
·         Second Place:  Fifth Graders Cortney K. and Tori W. with the Surprise Party for George Frederick Handel’s “Surprise Symphony”. The poster has people who could have been guests at Handel’s party, complete with “Hello, my name is” tags! Cortney and Tori also created a quiz, learned how to play the theme from the “Surprise Symphony”, composed their own original piece and videotaped all of the pieces for their project. I love our over achievers!
·         Third Place: Fourth Grader Greyson F. created a fantastic game show about Edvard Grieg using an advent calendar. He included awesome and challenging questions, a well-designed presentation board, and he even had a cute game show host!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hockey New Year 2016!

CLICK HERE for the flyer

Singers, see the practice files on the blog HERE

Hockey New Year with the GLADIATORS

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 @ 7:05 P.M.

Support the SPARK Chorus and AC as they perform "O, Canada" 
when the Gladiators battle Greenville Swamp Rabbits.  
If we sell 100 tickets, a portion of each ticket sold will be donated 
back to the Chorus and Music program.

 All tickets must be ordered online using the special code for Springdale Park. All orders will be emailed a few days prior to the event and will come directly from AXS Guest Services.
*Online order code will be active until January 14
*Tickets must be purchased in advance of game day to be eligible for the discount

GO TO:  (DO NOT enter www.)
Premium/Attack Fundraiser Seat x $15.00

For additional information please contact Chris Leverett at 770.497.5107 or

ASO Composer Projects are Rolling In!

Don't forget that ASO Project Deadlines are this week! December 8-11.

Check out some of the great work Ms. Turgeon's gotten so far! And see Ms. Turgeon's grading helpers at the bottom.

Delaney's Voki

The sticker voting is up and ready to go! 


Friday, November 6, 2015

Composer Project Info went home this week!

See the ASO COMPOSER PROJECT Resources or the tab above for information about due dates, expectations, and resources!

Music class days:
Tuesday, December 8: Naman-4th & Thurman-4th
Wednesday, December 9: Butler 4th & Southcombe-4th
Thursday, December 10: Badger/Lockwood-3rd, English/Lockwood-3rd, Mckie-5th, Redel-5th
Friday, December 11: Latimore/Lockwood-3rd, Neal/Lockwood/-3rd, Hall-5th, Riggins-5th

See below for some inspiring projects!

·         2010 & 2011  

Tyler created a fantastic comic book about the premiere of "The Rite of Spring" by Igor Stravinsky. He used humor, facts, details, and had a great story line!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 29 Fall Friendship Festival Details OPTIONAL PERFORMANCE

UPDATE! If you have any photos/video to share please let Ms. Turgeon know!

MES students singing "The Power of the Dream"

If you did not stay for the Grady Orchestra Chorus you missed them performing "Ghost of John" AND "Stand by Me"!  AND you missed Shia LeBeouf

Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival
at Grady High School’s Auditorium 
(Enter from 10th Street near the Grady Stadium. There is a parking lot there. To get to the auditorium go up the stairs and turn left)

WHEN? Thursday, October 29 4-6pm: 
WHY? For Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK to get to know some kids from our sister schools.  
ATTIRE? Music@SPARK uniform OR SPARK wear (shirts have been ordered, but if they’re not in wear a SPARK shirt. I have a few dark green Music@SPARK shirts to loan)

4pm meeting to play games with the kids from the other schools
4:15-ish each director rehearses the full group songs
4:50-ish each group gets with their director for final notes/practicing getting on stage
5:10 Concert
6pm finished/help set up for Grady’s concert which begins at 7pm!

SPARK: Shumayela, Wade/Motherless, Nottamun Town
ALL: Ghost of John, The Singing School, We Are Going to be Friends, Stand By Me

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chorus and AC Bonus Point!


Click here for an updated calendar to print!

Go to the AC/Chorus practice links page for lyrics and practice resources!

11/9 UPDATE: We've been invited to sing the National Anthem at a Georgia Tech basketball game. Please answer the survey with your child's availability on 11/27, 1/14, or 2/18. Sorry, all spots have been filled.

 Details about the performances are below. Please note, the performances are optional; however, please do all you can to enable your child to do our two major concerts on Dec. 3 and May 17. 

Thursday, December 3 time TBA--either  7pm call time 5:30pm, dressed, fed, and watered 
SPARK and Grady High School's Winter Chorus Concert
Come hear our wonderful SPARK Chorus and AC and stay to hear the fantastic Choruses from Grady High School, directed by Mr. Kevin Hill!

Saturday, Dec 5 Time 3-5pm
Caroling for Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes
Our SPARK Chorus and AC has been invited to go caroling during the Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes. We'll choose an hour or two to help spread some musical holiday cheer and sing some festive tunes for the guests! Please let me know your child's availability on that Saturday between 3--5pm!

Saturday, Jan. 16
Hockey New Year! Canadian Anthem at the Gladiators 
ALL Chorus, AC, and 4th and 5th Graders are invited to sing the English/French version of "O, Canada" at the Gladiators vs Greenville game! This is a fundraiser for the Chorus and AC, so the more fans we bring the more money we earn!

Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus Fri/Sat, Feb. 19-20 in Athens
Parker, Sophia, Sofia, and Jefferey will represent SPARK! AC rehearsal will be Thursday, Feb. 18.

LGPE March 2 or 3 (during school field trip for adjudicated performance)
LGPE is our yearly Large Group Performance Evaluation. Advanced Chorus has participated in LGPE for the past 3 years, and have earned Superior ratings each year. This year Ms. Turgeon would like to include Chorus in this event. Students will learn two very challenging choral works and demonstrate their sight-singing abilities.

March ___TBD 5th Grade Basketball Challenge 
Third, Fourth, and Fifth graders are invited to sing our National Anthem before this exciting students vs teachers game!

Saturday, April 23 INTERESTED in marching in the Inman Park Festival Parade? 
The Inman Park Festival Parade is a great opportunity to show school pride and celebrate in our community. We have not marched in the parade in a few years--are you ready to make a plan to make a splash this year? Let Ms. Turgeon know your ideas!

Tuesday, May 17 Chorus and AC's Spring Concert Somewhere in Time Location TBD
This concert will feature music from different eras and different places. It will either be in the SPARK Gym or (perhaps) at the Callanwolde Amphitheatre

INTERESTED in performing at Virginia Highland Summerfest Kidstage (June 6 or 7)?
The Virginia Highland Summerfest Kidstage is a great chance for our Chorus & AC or soloists/groups to perform in the community. Let Ms. Turgeon know if your child is interested in performing a set or with the Chorus/AC!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Flashcard Project information!

Download the Flashcard Project Sheet HERE

During First Quarter all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will complete the Music Flashcard Project--the hard-copy will be sent home mid-August.

Deadline for Flashcard Projects 2016 will be during the last week of September
Music Projects are always accepted any time up until the deadline on the day you come to Music. Early projects are always appreciated and earn extra points. Late projects lose 3 points for every school day (not just the Music day) the work is late. Music project grades ALWAYS include the project itself AND the completed Project Sheet.

Students will officially have 4-5 weeks to complete this work. Students should plan to work on quarterly Music projects for about 30 minutes a week. It's best to plan your Music workday the same day as Music class.  Students may work with other students in their grade level.

The flashcard project is an opportunity for students to develop better dictionary and paraphrasing skills, learn music vocabulary, practice using a straight edge to draw a staff, and create a toolbox that will help them learn proper music terminology, symbols, and notes on a staff. 

Students: When you write your definitions please don't put the vocabulary word into the definitions. 
You may use a blank: _____ means the steady pulse in music. 

If you have already finished, an easy way to disguise the word in the definition is just use black crayon to color over the word (Sharpie bleeds through the card). 

You can use any online kids' Music dictionary:
More advanced dictionaries, if you want a challenge:

If Fourth and Fifth Graders have their cards from last year they may re-use them if they are in good condition and meet the requirements below (which are the same as last year).

 If you are having trouble, or if you need help ASK MS. TURGEON or a classmate you can trust! 

Line/Space Note Card Tips:
  • Use a straight edge and try to make all cards look as consistent as possible (same width of lines, etc). Cards done without a straight edge will have to be re-done.
  • Each card should have a treble clef and a whole note on each line or space, as pictured below.
  • The back of the card should have the letter name for each line or space note. Be consistent so that when you flip the card the answers will always be in the same area of the back of the card.
  • Don't use the LINED side of your cards--it will make your staff lines look blurry.
  • Line notes (from bottom to top): E-G-B-D-F  Space notes: F-A-C-E

Check out the Line and Space Note Tutorial Video:

Front of cards

with a few cards flipped over so you can see the answers

Fifth Graders will have reversible cards--from one direction they will be Treble Clef cards, and Bass Clef when turned the other way.

Treble Clef: Line notes (from bottom to top): E-G-B-D-F  Space notes: F-A-C-E
Bass Clef: Line notes (from bottom to top): G-B-D-F-A Space notes: A-C-E-G

On the answer side be sure to show if the answer is for Treble or Bass Clef

Here are some fun worksheets to help you practice note identification!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Welcome to Music@SPARK for 2015-2016

Music Class
What do 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders need for Music?
4th/5th graders may re-use their Music binder from last year (binders or envelopes, please, not floppy folders). Students must bring the following to Music every week.

  • 3 ring binder
  • 10-15 sheets of paper in rings
  • 3 ring binder pencil pouch with
    • 2-3 sharpened pencils
    • last year's flashcards (4th/5th)
    • 15-20 index cards

Rulers and pencil sharpeners are not requested.
Image result for 3 ring pencil bag

If you wish to begin the First Quarter Flashcard Project feel free to get started! I updated last year's post with this year's deadlines.

Students will complete one Music project each quarter

Each project is given 5-6 weeks before the deadline for submission. Students should plan to spend about 30 minutes a week on Music practice or projects.

First Quarter--Flashcard Project (vocabulary and note identification) deadline in late September

Second Quarter--ASO Composer Project (music history, vocabulary acquisition, research skills, creative product) deadline in late November
Third Quarter--Write, Read, Sing, Play (musical skill application) deadline in late Feburary
Fourth Quarter--Somewhere in Time deadline in early May

Band, Orchestra, Chorus, and AC

kids can:
  1. Participate in EITHER Band, Orchestra (but not both)
  2. Participate in NEITHER Band or Orchestra but will go to Extra Spanish/Homeroom during this slot

  1. Participate in EITHER AC (Fridays after school until 4:30pm) or Chorus (during the school day) as a Performer which takes place during regular music specials weekly (and additional practice if AC or Performer is chosen)
  2. Non-Performer--learns songs in Music but does not perform.
We will have a Music@SPARK Informational Meeting about Band,
Orchestra, and Chorus/AC on Wednesday, August 12 beginning at 5:30pm 

Band will meet in the Music room (Band parents who have Chorus/AC singers will stay after the Band meeting for general info)
Orchestra will meet in the Hirsch house (Orchestra parents who have Chorus/AC singers will come to the Music room for general info after the Orchestra meeting is done).

You may indicate your choices here:
Complete the 4th and 5th Grade Ensemble Survey Here!

PRINT the Ensemble Choice Form HERE!

Please welcome our new Band teacher, Ms. Sandy Wade! 

Ms. Wade and Ms. Valkova will be serving SPARK, Mary Lin, Morningside, and Hope-Hill, thanks to the support and advocacy of our Grady cluster parents and administrators!

Fourth Graders at SPARK have several choices to make for Music. 

5th graders who were in Band or Orchestra last year will be automatically re-enrolled in their chosen ensemble. Any changes require a parental note indicating this year's selections; however, switching from Band to Orchestra (or vice versa) is not permitted. The Music@SPARK staff encourages all students to stick with their choices and really give their training their best effort throughout Fourth and Fifth grades!

Ensemble Descriptions:
See the tabs at the top of the page for videos of performances by each ensemble!

  • Band--choose from Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, and some percussion
  • Orchestra--choose from Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
  • Extra-- Attends Extra Spanish on Mondays and Homeroom on Wednesdays or Fridays
  • Advanced Chorus --Performs with the Chorus AND attends after school rehearsals on Fridays until 4:30pm
  • Chorus Performer--Learns Chorus music during Music Class or Monday Chorus rehearsal, performs in concerts
  • Chorus Non-Performer--Learns Music during Music Class, but does not choose to perform

The Music@SPARK performance uniform for Band, Orchestra and Chorus is:

    • The Green Music@SPARK polo
    • black dress pants/skirt/shorts (uniform bottoms from French Toast is preferred, but not required)
    • black dress shoes/socks

    Monday, May 25, 2015

    Year in Review 2014-2015 and Photos from the Way Back Machine

    May 2015

    Photos coming soon (I hope):
    Band Concert, May 4
    Orchestra Concert May 6
    Orchestra Cluster Concert May 12
    Chorus/AC Concert Sing for Your Life May 19

    The following videos are courtesy of Caroline Goldstein:

    Pie Jesu from Faure Requiem:

    Game Songs (Great Big House, Lil' Liza Jane, Rocky Mountain, Tideo, & Sail Away, Ladies)

    Porche Gig May 6

    March 2015
    Kahoot School Wide Champion
    Virginia Laster

    APS EC Fest in March

    Write, Read, Sing, Play Project
    February 2015
    AC Rocks LGPE in February

     ALL 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders go to the ASO

    January 2015
    Gladiators Game

    The Keyboard power cords arrive!!

    Composer Project Sticker Voting

    Does anyone have Band or Chorus/AC photos?

    November 2014
    Embedded image permalink
    AC sings at ECET2ATL at the W Hotel in November
    (Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers)
    October 2014
    5th District Honor Chorus (can you see Parker?)

    Ben Folds Speaks at the National Association for Music Educators in Nashville

    And there was hockey! Go Preds!

    Ms. Turgeon celebrated her 10th wedding anniversary with Sean (and Elvis!) then went ziplining!

    A creative Flashcard Project

    September 2014
    ASO Musicians were locked out
    The lockout ended in November and the season progressed, thankfully

    Spark and Mary Lin sing at the Center for Civil and Human Rights
    Educators Open House in September
    Set list and notes for CCHR gig





    AC sings at Virginia Highland Civic Association in September

    Our Student Teacher, Megan Schuitema :)  Ms.Schuitema was at SPARK during first semester, and continued her final student teaching with a fantastic high school chorus director Mr. Drew Bowers at Milton High School. She graduated from GSU Summa Cum Laude "with highest distinction" in May 2015! Welcome to the wonderful and crazy world of Music teachers!!

    August 2015
    Spanish project diagram of the Music room

    A double rainbow over SPARK


    Before getting settled in (HUGE thanks to Jen Hardwick and Nadia Aziz for helping so much and not judging me for being a Music teacher hoarder)

    Pictures from the Way Back Machine
    Julia's No Place for Hate/No Name Calling week 2012

    Next year's rising 5th graders from when they were in 1st grade!

    Some of our Legacy class as 2nd graders

    Maria and Ethan

    Annie and Samuel

    Gigi and Everett