PreK, Kindergarten, & First Grade

In preparation for the first grade trip to hear the ASO, students learned about the four families of musical instruments and investigated where their assigned instrument would sit during the concert:

S1P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate light and sound. 
d. Construct an explanation supported by evidence that vibrating materials can make sound and that sound can make materials vibrate.

Because the prompt had many components, Ms. Siembieda helped out tremendously by making prompt stickers for students to circle answers rather than having to write a lot in a short amount of time. 

Students discussed the instrument properties with their partner, 
deciding if the instrument would sound: 
high or low in PITCH (based on the size of the instrument)
loud or soft in VOLUME (based on the material the instrument is made of)

from spring 2024 Solfege Showdown and Skips to Do