Chorus & AC

Equity Champions Honors Ceremony STAND by REM Turn the World Around Friendship Festival Banaha rehearsal

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Gigs Calendar & UPDATE  

Lift Every Voice arranged by Franklin Willis


 5th graders Class of 2023

What's the difference between Chorus and AC?
  • 4th and 5th grade Chorus meets during Specials times during General Music
  • Advanced Chorus (AC) meets on Friday afternoons until 4:30pm. There is no audition, just let your child's teacher know they will stay for rehearsals. 
  • CHORUS AND AC are invited to perform at all gigs if your singer knows their music!
  • Performances are not required, but please send a note if your child CANNOT attend a gig.
  • AC and Chorus parents should fill out THIS FORM and 
  • join our Remind class: click here & enter the class code: @ffa4f4
Our choruses perform all over Atlanta and the greater Atlanta area--we've performed for: The Atlanta Hawks, The Atlanta Gladiators, Center for Civil and Human Rights, Porsche North America Headquarters, APS Board Meetings, GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation, 5th Grade Basketball Challenge, Virginia Highland Civic Association events, International Night, SPARK events including our concerts, singalongs, Fine Arts Night, Field Day, APS Back to School Bash, Hands Across Atlanta events with the Atlanta Falcons, and more! Our Advanced Chorus has earned overall Superior Ratings for Georgia Music Educators Association LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluation) since 2012 in repertoire and sight-singing.

AC rehearses weekly, so we become "advanced". They are the group that performs the most, and are the core of our performing group; however, Chorus members are always invited to perform for gigs as long as they know the music! 

Our uniform is 
  • Black pants/skirt/shorts 
  • Black comfortable shoes
  • Black Music@SPARK polo (they are the same each year, so if your child has an older sibing who has a shirt that fits your current singer, you don't need another shirt)
  • VHE students are welcome to wear a VHE shirt instead! Represent your school!

The Music@SPARK Chorus and AC fee is
$20 for new members, $5.00 for returning members of Chorus and AC + $1 service fee
Scholarships are available if money is tight.
Donations for scholarships are appreciated!
Fees cover the cost of the Music@SPARK uniform polo plus sheet music and other AC costs.
You provide: Black pants/skirt/shorts & comfortable black shoes for performances

Payment link coming soon! Let Ms. Turgeon know if you need assistance


Chorus and AC Songbook

Posts from previous years:

Scroll through to find your favorites! These playlists have videos of performances since 2009!

O Canada! Our home and native land

True patriot love in all of us command.
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, (car tohn bwa say por-tay luh pay-uh)
Il sait porter la croix! (eel say por-tay la cwah)
Ton histoire est une épopée (ton his-twah ayt un ay-puh-pay-uh)
Des plus brillants exploits. (day plooh brill-yan zex-pwah)
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Star Spangled Banner Solfege Practice for harmony

Melody (starting at "And the rockets' red glare"):
F M RD T-- LT D M Fi S
SS D R M F S---- D R M F R D

Harmony (starting at "And the rockets' red glare"):
DD D R M M-- RD T D R R--
R D SS S   SF M M Fi S
SS M, S D R M----- L Fi S L F M


GCMC at the APS Board Meeting, October 2019

Fall is here, hear the yell
Back to school, ring the bell

Brand new shoes, walking blues
Climb the fence, books and pens
I can tell that we are going to be friends

I can tell that we are going to be friends

[Verse 2]
Walk with me, Suzy Lee

Through the park and by the tree
We will rest upon the ground
And look at all the bugs we found

Safely walk to school without a sound (2x)

[Verse 3]
Well here we are, no one else
We walked to school all by ourselves
There's dirt on our uniforms
From chasing all the ants and worms
We clean up and now its time to learn
We clean up and now its time to learn

[Verse 4]
Numbers, letters, learn to spell
Nouns, and books, and show and tell
At playtime we will throw the ball
Back to class, through the hall
Teacher marks our height against the wall

Teacher marks our height against the wall

And we don't notice any time pass
We don't notice anything
We sit side by side in every class
Teacher thinks that I sound funny
But she likes the way you sing

[Verse 5]
Tonight I'll dream while I'm in bed
When silly thoughts go through my head
About the bugs and alphabet
And when I wake tomorrow, I'll bet
That you and I will walk together again
I can tell that we are going to be friends
Yes, I can tell that we are going to be friends

Saman Performance

Saman Practice

America the Beautiful

Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.

LGPE resources:

Open the window, children
Open the window, now
Open the window children
Open the window, let the dove fly in
1)Mama and Papa are fighting like snakes
2) Baby is a-cryin' like her heart will break
3) Neighbors lock their doors build fences so high
4) Don't see what's to discover on the other side

5) There's borders 'round the countries, borders 'round the skies
6) The only border close you in is the border 'round your mind!
7) Some people have money some people have none
8) What use is having money if your heart's gone numb?

9)This big old world's in a great big mess

ALL) Let's open the window, find peace and rest

GCMC Hawks Performance Team Thursday, March 15

Our 2017 LGPE performance! Great job, singers! You worked very hard!

"Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning"  click for a PDF of the music

Our 2017 LGPE performance! Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burnin' begins at 3minutes.

Ms. Turgeon's perpetual comments;
  • looooonnnnng phrases
  • ending consonants
  • show the music on your face
  • tall mouth (ever heard that one before?)
  • pay attention to your sound placement in your head (forward? up? back?)
  • mean what you sing
  • sight sing with hand signals and subdividing the beat (try out the examples Caroline gave you)
  • watch out for treachery (dotted rhythms, half notes, skips then steps or steps then skips, rests get full duration)
  • I'm so, so lucky to be your teacher. Y'all are amazing. 

How we can improve for Chorus/AC? Kids' answers

1.       Practice lyrics
2.       Blend voices together (make your voice match in the group, don’t sing too loud or soft)
3.       Make sure the melody and harmony is balanced.
4.       Use head voice instead of chest voice
5.       Unify choreography and posture
6.       Vertical mouth instead of horizontal mouth
8.       Suppress coughs when possible
Be sure you practice correct pitches and rhythms until they are perfect

All performances by Music@SPARK's Chorus & AC (I think):

All LGPE performances from 2013, 2914, 2015, and 2016

Our December concert from 12/3/2015 at Grady!

      Grady Cluster Fall Friendship Festival 2015

      VaHi Civic Association September 2016


        1. Ms.Turgeon can you put any LGPE music on the blog for me?
          The Queen of Chorus

          1. Done! I'll be adding to the LGPE playlist as I find good examples of recordings. Thank you for checking! You're awesome! <3

        2. Are regular performing chorus (not AC) members invited to do the caroling on Dec 5? If so, can you provide information on when and where to show up?

          Chloe Whitney-Harris' mom

          1. YES! I will have a sheet of info for any interested kids tomorrow (Thursday), but basically we'll be in front of an establishment on Virginia. I'd love for Chloe to come! And bring friends!

        3. Hello, this is Lauren. I love you as a teacher, and I know that I have missed or left a few rehearsals, but I just want you to know that I hope you don't think of me as a member of AC and Chorus that I don't want to be there. I love Chorus, and I want to stay. Forever. It makes me a better singer, with your help. Thank you for having me.

          1. Hi Lauren, I can't tell you how much your note means to me, and I'm sure your AC team appreciates your dedication. I am grateful for your hard work and your dedication to AC, and I'm so lucky to have you as a student. Together we will continue to make lovely, exciting, fulfiling music!

        4. Hey Ms.Turgeon, How's the year going? Do you miss me? ;)

          1. Of course I miss you. You are such a great, funny, talented person. I'm so glad you're still making music with Ms. Smith and Ms. Mobley. But yeah, I miss you. Come visit!

        5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

        6. Hi Ms. Turgeon,
          I'm Maria S. Do you remember me? I was in fourth grade in 2018 and I loved going to AC on Fridays! I miss you very much. I hope you are doing great!

          1. Hello Maria! I remember you, of course! I still have a piece you created on Soundtrap. I hope you are doing well, and that you're still singing and dancing! Thank you for writing!
