Be sure to scroll to the bottom to see more performances and information about next week's theme!
Episode 1
Thank you to our performers from SPARK, Morningside, and Inman Middle School!
Our Guest Artist is Mr. Jon Marvel, former Mary Lin Music teacher and currently living, teaching, and playing banjo in Tacoma, WA.
Fireflies performed by 5th grader Miles
Three Little Birds
performed by 5th grader Aine M.
Joyee performs Malaguena
Joyee performs On the Bridge of Avignon
Next week's theme:
Sing songs about the beach, campfire songs, Disney...take our viewers on a virtual trip to your favorite place or favorite Spring Break Activity!
flipgrid code:
#tktd2020 #tktdSpringBreak
The performances were wonderful! Thanks to everyone who made this possible.!!