Tuesday, November 5, 2019

October & November All Over

Updated Chorus/AC Calendar

RSVP for gigs and events = 100 points for your child's SPARKwarts Team

Whew! Our October was unusually busy! District Honor Chorus, Hawks Game, SPARK Rocks2, and our GCMC performed at the APS Board Meeting! Check below for videos and photos!

5DHC--Mary Elle, Caitlin, Finn, Phoebe, Cait, Carys, and Dabney represented SPARK at the Georgia Music Educators Fifth District Honor Chorus in John's Creek on Friday & Saturday, Oct. 25 and 26.

BONUS! Finn, Gianna, and Reed attended the ASO's Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban concert in which Grady High School Chorus members performed on stage!

 Lucy Strohl, Grady Chorus member and SPARK alum!



SPARK Rocks2--for the second year Miles, Patrick, and Aine (and Finn did a song this year) organized, planned, and performed in a Music@SPARK fundraiser at Red Light Cafe. It is a wonder, a thrill, and an honor to teach such motivated students!

GCMC performs at the APS Board Meeting

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