Friday, April 12, 2019

UPDATED Info for Sunday, April 14 and Saturday, April 20

This Sunday I had planned for the singers to have 1:30pm and 2:30pm performances, but I realized that I have a conflict with another concert--I sing with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus--this week we're doing Beethoven's Ninth (Ode to Joy from our December concert) and Bernstein Chichester Psalms (which includes Hine Ma Tov's text) and we have a 3pm concert Sunday (which should have been on my calendar, but wasn't), so I have to leave after our first set.

1:30 gig: Chorus/AC arrive at Hirsch house a bit before 1pm for warm-up. Regular uniform. We’ll be in the front living room (take a right as you enter the front doors). We’ll perform a set as a group together 1:30-1:45pm, then Turgeon leaves to go to sing Beethoven/Bernstein.

1:45--> After Ms. Turgeon leaves student performances will be completely self-guided, and no uniform necessary--students go to the performance space, set up, introduce themselves, play/sing/whatever at the chosen time. Think of it like a relaxed version of Fine Arts Night/Coffee House. Below is a link to a sign up sheet for you to choose what time your child will perform. The doc is editable, so if there are empty spaces, just fill your child's name in the blank you wish to reserve. I met the former owners/residents of the Hirsch House, and they were WONDERFUL. On Saturday a member of the Hill family will sing in the same space, accompanied by harp.

For Sunday, There will be a keyboard, mics and sound system, chairs and music stands. The audience may or may not listen (welcome to the life of a musician), but the students should play anyway, and do your best! Please remind kids to be on exceptional behavior.

Performer Sign up for Druid Hills Tour of Homes (click for editable document). 

Also, we are ON for April 20 with about 10-15 singers. We will work on some Turkish songs and dances as well as some of our usual repertoire. I'm so excited! 


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