Monday, January 28, 2019

Weatherwise Lessons for K-5

Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade
We are working on Digital Music Explorers from the Carnegie Hall Education department. Have the students go to:  and listen to/try to be more accurate singing the songs on
Video lesson 1 Native American singer Martha teaches a medley of three traditional social dances:
“Choctaw Drum Dance”
“Cherokee Bear Dance”
“Cherokee Friendship Dance.”

There is a shaker making activity if you would like to make one!

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade

Students can go to and explore the games and activities.
Go to Quaver and create your account!

Quaver Name: your nickname (your choice, make sure you can remember it!)
Password: 123456
email: your apsk12 email

Class code:
3rd LXE9P

Currently third graders are working on identifying line notes and space notes on the treble clef.  Students can go to the Student Interactives sign and search for “Staff Champion Treble Clef” and play the note ID game.

Fourth and Fifth graders are working on a blues unit, so they should go to The Metro and to Blues Street—there is a digital book with some good info on important blues musicians.

Also, feel free to go to the QCreatives and play around!

OR go to my favorite website and search for lessons and videos of blues artists.

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