Thursday, September 18, 2014

Flashcard Project Update (help topics)

We've had a ton of kids who have finished their Flashcard Project already! Yay!

If your child is having trouble finding definitions/symbols they can check the "I'm stuck" board outside the Music Room.

Here are Matthew's line and space note cards! Be sure to use a straight edge! 
Cards with wobbly lines will not be accepted!
Nice job, Matthew!

Line/Space Note Card Steps:
1. Use the template to make dashes on the sides of your cards. The template will help you make sure your lines are parallel.

2. Use a straight edge (ruler or index card) to connect the dashes to draw a staff on each of the 9 cards.
3. Draw a treble clef on the left side of the staff.
4. Put ONE note (a whole note) on each card--5 line notes and 4 space notes.
5. Put the letter name of the note on the back of the line/space note cards.

6. Fifth graders ONLY: turn the card upside down and put a BASS clef on the opposite end from the treble clef (scroll down to the next post for detailed photos).  And watch this:

Third graders created this "helper" sheet for line/space note cards during class today (then there was a fire drill, of course).

I only had ONE student who has come by for help during the Thursday help time. Please let me know if you plan to stay NEXT Thursday! It will be your last chance!

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