Each week students can earn 10 points during Music class--we've had 8 weeks of class so far, and the Flashcard Project is worth 15 points (95 points possible without extra credit).
If you have forgotten your supplies or lost participation/vocabulary points OR if your Flashcard Project was not your best work you can earn extra credit to ensure that you earn the grade you want on the report card.
Students who did not complete a project cannot earn extra credit.
Extra credit must be turned in by Monday, October 6th with name, homeroom and grade listed.
Extra Credit Assignments
The choices below can be submitted in any format you wish, as long as your ideas and work are clearly represented and your research sources are cited.
You must cite your sources (tell where you found the information).
You may choose any of the following as your final presentation:
Write a paper (neatly handwritten or typed)
Write a song
Create a Powerpoint
Design a poster/presentation
Make a TV commercial (video)
Create a video presentation
Illustrate and design a comic book
Create a scrapbook
Make a playlist (selected projects only)
Create a multimedia presentation
Create a piece of artwork
Design your own presentation format (consult Ms. Turgeon if you have questions)
Orchestra Seating Chart (up to 5 points) Student will research the families of instruments and discuss why Orchestras have a typical seating chart. Student should create a diagram of where each section of an orchestra plays, and write a few paragraphs about how sound is produced on each instrument, and how loud or soft each instrument plays.
Who Am I? A guessing game (up to 5 points) Students will use the Glossary of Instruments, Instrument Cards, and other resources to find 4 facts about their chosen instrument. Students will write the four facts about the instrument on the outside of a “hamburger folded’ piece of paper, then draw the instrument inside and label it with the name and family of the instrument.
Lyrics Book Illustration (up to 10 points)
(eg. America the Beautiful) Student chooses a song to illustrate. Each page should consist of a line of lyrics from a song and an illustration of the line. The end result is an illustrated songbook that can be used by future students.
Music Book or Music Comic Book (up to 15 points)—(fiction or non fiction) Students may write and illustrate a book about music, a musician, or a musical character. Eight to ten pages with title page. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation must be correctly utilized.
Song Writer project (up to 10 points) Guess. Set parameters for students, including minimum form requirements, if the song can be vocal, instrumental, or both. Decide how the student will present the song—written in text, written in notation, video or audio recording, etc.
Instrument projects (up to 7 points)
Student uses online and Media Center resources to research facts about an instrument, and create a poster with a detailed illustration and facts about the instrument.
Musicality (Varies, according to the difficulty of the song, up to 10 points)
This project is intended for students who take private lessons and can already play independently. The general idea is that the student will find a song that they have wanted to play, but are not preparing it in their private lessons. The student is allowed ask for coaching help from his/her teacher, but the purpose of the project is for the student to learn to play a piece for him/herself, not because it was chosen for them.
Memorization (up to 5 points) Student may memorize a song in another language or English, but it must be challenging for his/her age, and it may not be a song from the radio.
Music Current Events (up to 7 points) Student will read newspapers or magazines and write a synopsis of an article about a musician or musical event.
Musical Time Capsule (up to 10 points) Pretend that you have gone to the future and you want your grandchildren to know about the music that you listened to as a child. Start a “time capsule” to capture your own experience and understanding of music in your world today. A time capsule can take the form of a journal, a video, documentary, an original song, or a work of art. Include your thoughts and feelings about the music you like now (at your current age) and the music you liked as a younger person. Describe how your musical tastes have changed (or have not changed), and make a timeline of your favorite music from each time period in your life.
You could also interview a parent, friend, or family member to create a Musical Time Capsule for them!
Musical Celebrations (up to 10 points) Does your family, neighborhood, or community celebrate events in a special way? Explore and tell about the interesting ways that you use music to celebrate different events in life (parties, weddings, holidays and so on). You might start by interviewing your family or closest friends. Find out what their favorite ways are of celebrating their cultural heritage—parades, festivals, ceremonies, parties, etc. Then create a brochure, poster, TV ad, or display to show what you’ve learned.
Critical Thinking (up to 10 points) Newspapers and magazines often have an arts critic or music journalist. This person attends an event then writes an opinion about the performance, the music, and/or the atmosphere created by the event. Read several arts critic reviews, then prepare your own review of a musical event, concert, or performance. Be sure to use appropriate musical vocabulary!
Compare/Contrast (up to 10 points) Choose two musicians or two songs from two different styles of music and compare them. These can be two musicians you like or one you like and one you do not like. Explore the sources and inspiration for their music, or find out who they admire personally or musically. Choose a song from each musician and write about the musical aspects of the song (tempo, meter, major/minor, instruments, voices, etc) and compare the two. Try to determine why you like (or dislike) each song and write about your observations.
Music Mix (up to 5 points) Pretend that you are planning an event and you are the DJ. Choose the type of event (dance party, elegant evening, quiet meditation, wedding reception, karaoke party, skating party, sporting event…) and make song list of music you would play. You should write a paragraph or two about the event, how you want the audience to feel or react, and how you plan to keep the mood going. For each song tell about the mood it sets or the musical reason that you chose it, and include at least a sentence about why you chose that song.
Save the Music, Save the Arts! (up to 12 points) Imagine that your school or community has cancelled all Music and Arts classes (it happens!). Prepare a presentation that shows why Music (or Art, Band, Orchestra, guitar, violin, piano, voice, or other visual art lessons) should not be cut. You should give important and accurate facts which support your main idea (not just emotional explanations), and your presentation should show your understanding of the importance of music and the arts in our world. You may include how music or art has been important to you in your life or at school, or how it has improved the life of your family members or friends. You could also include how music and art help the economy, help others through concerts and benefits, or simply how music and art help people express themselves.
Music Manners (up to 12 points) Research proper manners or concert etiquette for different types of musical events (rock/pop concerts, elementary music concerts, classical music, jazz, weddings, parties, and so on) and create a brochure for children about appropriate Music Manners for the different situations. You must include at least THREE different event types.