Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Honor Chorus Opportunities!

1.      APS Honor Chorus (APS HC)currently on hold until further notice.


2.      Georgia Music Educators’ Association--GMEA Fifth District Honor Chorus (GMEA 5D HC)—Friday & Saturday, November 1-2, 2013 at Roswell Presbyterian Church. The best Chorus singers from District 5 are invited to participate (up to 6 from SPARK) Clinicians and repertoire TBA. Cost: $35

3.      GMEA State-Wide Elementary Honor Chorus (GMEA SEHC)--Closed--the choirs reached maximum capacity a week before the registration deadline.


4.      American Choral Directors’ Association--ACDA Treble Honor Chorus (only 5th graders are eligible)-Thursday & Friday, June 26-27, 2014 at Spivey Hall Caroline Crocker, Fairfax Choral Society Cost: TBA

 PLUS Advanced Chorus will participate in the Community Children's Choral Festival February 1st AND LGPE in February!

For information about these community choruses go to:
The Atlanta Boy Choir http://atlantaboychoir.org/
Atlanta Young Singers http://aysc.org/
 Harmony Chorus http://harmonychorus.org/
Auditions are being held NOW for this season!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

On August 28, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and millions of Americans from all walks of life participated in a March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. It was a huge turning point in recognition of the cause, and it helped quicken and strengthen the push for change during the Civil Rights movement, It was there that Dr. King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.

This march was not just about racial equality, but about integration of schools, minimum wages for all workers, job creation, and the end of police brutality in the face of peaceful demonstrations.

This year there will be a march in Washington D.C. to remember & celebrate that historic march, and  recommit our country to fulfilling the promise of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for all people.

The Civil Rights Movement used music as a way for participants to feel a sense of unity and shared purpose. Often (but not always) the music that was used was from old African-American spirituals, repurposed and reworded to suit the cause. Below is a playlist of speeches, songs, and images from the March and from this important era in American history.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Music Flashcard Words

During First Quarter all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will complete the Music Flashcard Project--the hard-copy of the word list and GPS goal sheet/reflection will be coming soon (around the last week of August)

Due dates will be during the week of September 29th. Music Projects are always due on the day you come to Music. Early projects are always appreciated and earn extra points.

  • Tuesday, September 30th: Naman-4th & Butler-4th
  • Wednesday, October 1st: Mckie-5th & Southcombe-4th
  • Thursday, October 2nd: English/Badger-3rd, Windham/Badger-3rd, Hall-5th, Redel-5th
  • Friday, October 3rd: Neal/Badger-3rd, Lockwood/Badger-3rd, Thurman-4th, Riggins-5th

Students will officially have 4-5 weeks to complete this work, but you are welcome to start early if you like!  Students should plan to work on quarterly Music projects for about 30 minutes a week (3 sessions of 10 minutes OR 2 sessions of 15 minutes OR 1 session of 30 minutes). Some students will need more time, others less. If you are having trouble, or if you need help ASK MS. TURGEON or a classmate you can trust! 

The flashcard project is an opportunity for students to develop better dictionary and paraphrasing skills, learn music vocabulary, practice using a straight edge to draw a staff, and create a toolbox that will help them learn proper music terminology, symbols, and notes on a staff. 

While creating flashcards is not a grand use of creativity or a super fun activity, many students from last year expressed that it was the MOST USEFUL project they did in Music, because once the cards were finished we used them in games, competitions, and assessment activities during class. The kids got better at using their Music words and they felt able to express their ideas more effectively.

Third Graders: Flash Cards (1-25 and 9 line note/space note cards) PLUS the GPS goal sheet /reflection

Fourth Graders: Flash Cards (1-35 and 9 line note/space note cards) PLUS the GPS goal sheet /reflection
Fifth Graders: Flash Cards 1-50 and 9 line note/space note cards PLUS the GPS goal sheet /reflection

Students may use their cards from last year if they are in good shape and the defintions are appropriate

Vocabulary words
Cards with * should have a definition AND a symbol on your card, along with the definition of the word.
1.       beat
2.       rhythm
3.       tempo
4.       largo
5.       andante
6.       allegro
7.       presto 
8.       meter (the musical term)
9.       duple meter
10.    triple meter
11.    dynamics
12.    tone color  and timbre (these mean the same thing)
13.    *staff
14.    *measure
15.    *treble clef
16.    *quarter note & rest (draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
17.    *eighth note (draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
18.    *half note & rest(draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
19.    *whole note & rest(draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
20.    *crescendo
21.    *decrescendo
22.    *piano (not the instrument)
23.    *-issimo a suffix
24.    *forte
25.    *mezzo- a prefix
26.    *repeat signs
27.    *barline
28.    *double barline
29.    *time signature
30.    string
31.    woodwind
32.    brass
33.    percussion 
34.     duration
35.    form
36.    AB form
37.    ABA form
38.    harmony
39.    melody
40.    *dotted quarter note (draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
41.    *dotted half note(draw the note & rest, and tell its duration)
42.    tonality
43.    *accent
44.    notation
45.    rondo
46.    canon
47.    ostinato
48.    arpeggio
49.    moderato
50.    adagio

Vocabulary Cards Line and Space Note Cards

1. Each flash card should have the vocabulary word written on the front of the card and the definition on the back.
2.Definitions should be written in complete sentences.
3. Be sure to use simple definitions that you understand.
4. Each flash card should be numbered (corresponding to the vocabulary number)

--->If you do a few cards a week it will be a breeze!

Third Graders: We will review how to create these cards in class, but you will need to finish them at home.

*Students may work together to compile their flashcard definitions, but EACH student must have the required cards in their set.  
 *Fourth and Fifth Graders may re-use their cards from last year if they are in good condition and meet the requirements

You can also use any online kids' Music dictionary:
 Link to some Music SYMBOLS           
More advanced dictionaries, if you want a challenge:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Advanced Chorus starts FRIDAY, August 9th!

Be one of the cool kids in AC
Fridays from dismissal-4:30 in the Music Room

Advanced Chorus is offered to ANY 4th or 5th grader who wants to do more singing, sight-reading, harmonizing, and making music. There is no audition. If you'd like to participate, please bring a note to your homeroom teacher indicating that you will bet attending AC rehearsal on Fridays.  

(click hyperlinks to see AC kids from last year!)
Please note: All events are optional, but please give 2 weeks notice if your child cannot attend!

Singing the National Anthem at Georgia Tech and The Gwinnett Gladiators' games
Community Children's Chorus Festival (CCCF)
SPARK's December and May Concerts
Virginia Highlands Summerfest
and MORE!