1. APS Honor
Chorus (APS HC)—currently on hold until further notice.
2. Georgia
Music Educators’ Association--GMEA Fifth District Honor Chorus (GMEA 5D HC)—Friday & Saturday, November 1-2, 2013 at Roswell
Presbyterian Church. The best Chorus singers from District 5 are invited to
participate (up to 6 from SPARK) Clinicians and repertoire TBA. Cost: $35
GMEA State-Wide Elementary Honor Chorus (GMEA SEHC)--Closed--the choirs reached maximum capacity a week before the registration deadline.
Choral Directors’ Association--ACDA Treble Honor Chorus (only 5th
graders are eligible)-Thursday
& Friday, June 26-27, 2014 at Spivey Hall Caroline Crocker, Fairfax Choral
Society Cost: TBA
PLUS Advanced Chorus will participate in the Community Children's Choral Festival February 1st AND LGPE in February!
information about these community choruses go to:
are being held NOW for this season!