Advanced Chorus begins THIS FRIDAY, August 4!
It’s where the c😎😎l kids go! Get it???
Advanced Chorus
begins THIS Friday, August 4, 2023
(you can join later, too)
Rehearsal is from dismissal until 4:45pm
Ms. Turgeon will call for AC members to come
to the gym at dismissal
we’ll rehearse in the Gym and/or in the Music room
• After rehearsal Singers will
be released at the Briarcliff entrance
behavior is expected — interruptions of rehearsal won’t be tolerated
No audition necessary!
Send an email to
let your teacher know you’ll stay Fridays until 4:45pm
Ask parents to
complete the FORM and/or
sign up on the sheet outside Ms. Turgeon’s door so she knows you’re coming!
The Music@SPARK Chorus and AC fee is
$20 for new members, $5.00 for returning members of Chorus and AC
Scholarships are available if money is tight.
Donations for scholarships are appreciated!
Fees cover the cost of the
Music@SPARK uniform polo plus sheet music and other AC costs.
You provide: à Black pants/skirt/shorts & Black shoes for performances
Payment link coming soon! Let Ms. Turgeon know if
you need assistance