Wednesday, February 15, 2023

January and February #TKTD, SEHC, and LGPE

Whew! It's been a busy 2023 so far! Here are some highlights--most recent to earlier in the year:

 LGPE: GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation
Our Music@SPARK singers did a wonderful job on Valentine's Day, and we earned Superior ratings from all 3 repertoire judges and in sight-singing! Bravi, tutti!  

Unlisted YouTube links: 
North Wind (Cherokee Wayfaring Stranger):

The Owls by Peter Jenkyns:

Special thanks to our Accompanist, Ms. Turgeon's friend and mentor, Ms. Millie Turek!

 Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus

SEHC Playlist:

February #TKTD43 Black History Month January #TKTD42 Happy Birthday Elvis and David Bowie!