Advanced Chorus begins THIS FRIDAY, August 4!
It’s where the cππl kids go! Get it???
Advanced Chorus
begins THIS Friday, August 4, 2023
(you can join later, too)
Rehearsal is from dismissal until 4:45pm
Ms. Turgeon will call for AC members to come
to the gym at dismissal
we’ll rehearse in the Gym and/or in the Music room
• After rehearsal Singers will
be released at the Briarcliff entrance
behavior is expected — interruptions of rehearsal won’t be tolerated
No audition necessary!
Send an email to
let your teacher know you’ll stay Fridays until 4:45pm
Ask parents to
complete the FORM and/or
sign up on the sheet outside Ms. Turgeon’s door so she knows you’re coming!
The Music@SPARK Chorus and AC fee is
$20 for new members, $5.00 for returning members of Chorus and AC
Scholarships are available if money is tight.
Donations for scholarships are appreciated!
Fees cover the cost of the
Music@SPARK uniform polo plus sheet music and other AC costs.
You provide: Γ Black pants/skirt/shorts & Black shoes for performances
Payment link coming soon! Let Ms. Turgeon know if
you need assistance