Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanzaa! Happy Diwali! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Which holidays are special to your family? Do you sing or make music or dance for your celebration? Share your joy with our SPARK friends and families in #TKTD19 Celebration Songs!
Everyone is welcome! Kids, please be sure to check with your parents that I can post this--put a thumbs-up or put in the comments if you got permission! Parents: If your child records in TKTD links, they will be published on the blog at
1. Click the red camera and record (or click the ... menu next to the camera and upload a video)
2. Take a selfie and put a thumbs up emoji if I can publish your song!
3. Submit. Performances are moderated, which means once you submit no one will see the video until I publish them!