Thursday, September 12, 2019

Music@SPARK in the Community!

Please enjoy the video below of fifth graders Aine, Miles, and Patrick singing at the College Football Hall of Fame for the Hands on Atlanta 9-11 Day of Service. Volunteers spent the day packing meals for our Atlanta Food Banks in shifts, and our singers performed for the opening ceremony of the shift that featured members of the Atlanta Falcons football team, staff, and friends and family. They were amazing.

Please don't forget to RSVP. Also, we would LOVE to have more 4th grade AC members! Please encourage your child to give it a try and bring a friend!
All practice resources are in your Google Classroom and here on our blog
Thursday, Sept 19 AC only Virginia Highland Civic Association--at Virginia Highland Church (across from Inman).
Call time (dressed, fed, & watered) at 6:15pm, perform at 7:00pm. Finished by 7:15ish.
SSB with harmony, Lift Every Voice, Fairest Lady, Uskudar, Istanbul

Friday, Sept 20 at Grady Night at Grady HS Football Grady Stadium--Chorus (during school Music with Ms. Turgeon), AC, GCMC
*   We WILL have AC rehearsal on Friday until 4:30 because we have a gig next Tuesday It's okay if you need to pick your child up early, just let me know
*   Drop off your child by the Grady Auditorium at 6:30 (dressed, fed, watered).
*   We WON'T be offering pizza for this gig as was indicated previously, but WILL have pizza for Tuesday's gig, but there may be snacks. Please let me know about any dietary restrictions.
*   Please have your child wear a SPARK shirt (Music polo or other), and dress for the weather on the bottom half--shorts, sneakers, jeans are OK
*   We'll line up 7:30ish, sing at 7:40pm and reunite you with your child by the Home bleachers if you are staying for the game OR by the Visitor bleacher gate if you are not attending. Game begins at 8pm
*   National Anthem and Lift Every Voice and Sing for Choruses

Tuesday, Sept 24 at 6:30pm Grady Cluster Friendship Festival AC, GCMC, Choruses from SPARK, HopeHill, MES, Mary Lin, Inman 6th graders, and Grady HS Chorus) at Grady HS Auditorium
*   Drop off your child at 4:00 by the Grady Auditorium. Doors open at 6:10pm
*   We will have pizza (let me know if your child has dietary restrictions and what choices will work)
*   Singers will warm up, rehearse and get to know each other 4-6pm.
*   Concert at 6:30pm.
*   Please wear full Music@SPARK uniform (Music polo, black pants/skirt, shorts black shoes) if your child doesn't have a Music polo just wear a green shirt or SPARK shirt.
Lift Every Voice 2 verses
Fairest Lady

The singers began with the second verse, in honor of our first responders and other community heroes:

O beautiful for heroes proved, in liberating strife 
Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life 
America, America, May God they gold refine 
Till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine 

Friday, September 6, 2019

SuperOpportunities this Semester!

Monday, September 9 registration and payment deadline for GMEA Fifth District Honor Chorus.

See the blog for details. PAYMENT (can accept any type of Music class payments)
Event takes place October 25-26

Image result for virginia highland civic association logo
Thursday, Sept 19  AC only Virginia Highland Civic Association--at Virginia Highland Church (across from Inman). Call time (dressed, fed, & watered) at 6:15pm, perform at 7:00pm. Finished by 7:15ish.
Image result for grady high school logo

Friday, Sept 20 AC/Chorus/GCMC sing the National Anthem and Lift Every Voice and Sing at Grady HS football game arrive at Grady HS Band room for pizza and rehearsal 5:30pm, Line up to go on the field between 7:00-7:30pm, sing right before the game at 8pm., meet parents at indicated spot after singing. Admission for kids is free. 

September 24 WARM UP 4-6pm CONCERT AT 6:30pm AC/Chorus/GCMC Grady Cluster's
Chorus Fall Friendship Festival at Grady High School
The main reason for the Fall Friendship Festival is for our Chorus members to get to
know some kids from our sister schools a bit better and see the ensembles they could
participate in at Inman and Grady.  Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside,
and SPARK will meet to play games, learn some songs together. We’ll be hosted by the
Grady HS and Inman MS Chorus members.

Image result for atlanta hawks

Fri/Sat Oct 25-26 5th District Elementary Honor Chorus Ms. Turgeon can register
up to 7 singers

Saturday, Nov __ Young Men’s Power Sing
at Morehouse 12:45-4pm concert with Atlanta Young Singers and
Morehouse Men’s Glee Club

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Saturday Nov 9 at 12:55 Met in HD Madama Butterfly at Perimeter Pointe Theater transportation is available if we have 15+ students attending

Thursday, Dec. 5 (tentative) AC/Chorus Community Holiday Sing Along at Hope-Hill with

Atlanta Young Singers 5-6pm

Saturday, Dec. 7 time 11am-1pm AC/Chorus Caroling for
Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes
SPARK AC/Chorus December concert TBA

Second Semester:
GMEA Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus, Singing at Georgia State University, Atlanta Gladiators ice hockey game, Druid Hills Civic Association, Porgy and Bess, Large Group Performance Evaluation and more.