Monday, March 13, 2017

Music in Our Schools A BUSY March!

LGPE Feb 28 (during school field trip for adjudicated performance)
Advanced Chorus participated in Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE), an event hosted by the Georgia Music Educators’ Association. At LGPE choirs perform two pieces and are rated by judges who are experts in Choral music. Very few public school elementary choruses participate in this event.

Students perform two pieces, and three judges provide ratings and comments on their progress. Then students go to a separate room and are given an 8 measure sight-singing example to read at sight.  The scores are: 1-Superior--2-Excellent--3-Good--4-Fair--5-Poor   These scores are then combined to give one overall rating using the same scale.  Most elementary schools do not do sight-singing, but we do, because in my opinion music literacy is very important to a well-developed musician.

Our SPARK Advanced Chorus earned Superior ratings overall from all 3 repertoire judges AND in Sight-Singing. They worked very hard! Please congratulate these singers!

We are so proud to have earned Superior ratings in Sight-Singing. Students had an 8 measure example that they had never seen before. I was allowed to give them the starting pitch and establish our tonality, but the singers had to read the pitches and rhythms in the example at sight with no help from me. The students sang one of the hardest unison examples that we could choose from--they did NOT want the easy example! 

Music@SPARK Advanced Chorus members (plus Gisele and Kimber) were invited to perform at the Atlanta Public Schools March Board Meeting on Monday, March 6

Chorus & AC Members sang the US National Anthem at the 5th Grade Basketball Challenge on Friday, March 10

Music@SPARK Chorus & AC Members sang "O, Canada" at the Atlanta Gladiators game on Sunday, March 12. The Gladiators must have been inspired by the singing, because they beat the Greenville Swamp Rabbits 8-3.

PLUS 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students completed the Write, Read, Sing, Play project

Coming this week: the SPARK Art Show!

Musical Entertainment

Please be prepared to sing or play with the mic,
introduce the songs and introduce yourself, and be sure to play/sing loudly enough for the audience to hear you, even with the mic!

Tentative schedule:
Updated 3/14
Sophia Dominey guitar
Neil Sevigny, piano
Jonathan Hardwick, trumpet
Leonie Remy piano “Lightly Row”
Thomas Sehat, violin
Zoe Diamond-Wilding, piano
Jason Zgonc, piano
Clint Holmes (& Ezra Coe?) “Big Beat Boogie” drums
Ava Anderson, piano
Lucy Madlem, singing “I Don’t Know My Name”
Jessie Heilman, ukulele
Ben Rein, singing
Ben Pollett & Seth Kohn, piano & singing
Brenan Fritts, Penelope Keenan, and Maria Shinina, Regan Stringer, singing
Isabel Salehbhai violin
Phoebe Wasick, piano
Charlotte Keenan, flute
Cassidy Davis, singing & piano
Marissa Rainey piano
Rohan Reddy, piano
Claire Malaney-Lau, guitar
Brynn Moser, piano
Delaney DeShields & Chloe Peyton, viola & violin
Aubrey Senter Lost Boy piano & singing
Jeanne Basdevant, piano
Ruby Segerman & Sophia Brookswolf, cello
Destiny Mitchell, piano

Kindergarten and First Grade will also attend the ASO concert featuring Peter and the Wolf!