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Pay for Music@SPARK shirts $11 by Tuesday, September 27 ($11 cash or check) so we can pay our awesome and SPARK family-owned vendor Squeegee Sharks. Shirts will be distributed to students who have ordered/paid for them on Wednesday or Thursday.
Come hear the Chorus/AC at the Grady Cluster Fall Friendhip Festival
Thursday, September 29
Chorus and AC members should arrive at 4pm dressed, fed, watered, and ready to sing. We'll warm up, learn, & play with our MES, Lin & Hope-Hill kids 4-6pm. Concert at 6pm
Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival at Grady High School
The main reason for the Fall Friendship Festival is for our elementary Chorus members to get to know some kids from our sister schools and see the ensembles they could participate in at Inman and Grady. Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK will meet to play games, learn some songs together.4pm,