Monday, May 23, 2016

Rising 4th/5th Grade Ensemble Survey

Don't forget to sign up for Remind101 or follow this blog via email (see info on the right!)

It's not too late to sign up for your Music choices!
Please complete the survey ASAP!
Please note that your child can choose both instrumental music (band/orchestra) AND  vocal music (chorus/AC) OR just one, or neither, but we encourage all children to choose to be part of a musical ensemble.
The only choice you cannot make is both Band and Orchestra, because they meet at the same time.

Scroll down to the next post to see/hear what our Music@SPARK Ensembles can do!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Music@SPARK Spring Concert Videos!

We've had a busy year and a busy spring! Check out the videos that show the results of our hard work!

Music@SPARK Band
May 9, 2016
Sandra Wade, Conductor

Please note, this is 5th grade only. If you have video of the 4th grade please send to

Mary Lin & Music@SPARK Orchestra concert
May 11, 2016
Totka Valkova, Conductor

Music@SPARK Chorus and AC present 
Somewhere in Time
May 17, 2016
Brianne Turgeon, Conductor
Millie Turek and Jon Marvel, Accompanists