Tuesday, January 26, 2016

3rd Quarter Project: Write, Read, Sing, Play

Students received the Write, Read, Sing, Play project information in January. WRSP is an application of skills project and we have done parts of the projects in class; however, students will still need to practice and memorize their song parts outside of class. Students MAY work with a partner. 

The DEADLINE for 4th and 5th graders is March 1, 2, 3, or 4, which means the work must be completed and checked by that time. *Ms. Turgeon has extended the deadline for THIRD GRADERS

Deadlines (all components must be complete by the end of class on these dates, no late work will be accepted)
Tuesday, March 1: Naman and Thurman
Wednesday, March 2: Butler and Southcombe
Thursday, March 3: Mckie and Redel
Friday, March 4: Hall and Riggins
Thursday, March 10: Badger/Lockwood & English/Lockwood
Friday, March 11: Latimore/Lockwood & Neal/Lockwood

 Click HERE for the Write, Read, Sing, Play Project Sheet!

Song Choices for Write, Read, Sing, Play MUST come from our Music textbooks. No exceptions. Please be aware that this document link has 60+ pages--be careful to only print the page you want!  If the song your child chose is not present, please email me at bturgeon@atlanta.k12.ga.us

Here We Sit
Vive L'Amour
Mr. Frog
Words of Wisdom
Mother, Mother
Hey, Hey, Look at Me
Cat and Dog
Lucy Locket
Old Dan Tucker
One Potato, Two Potato

The project sheet has all of the steps students should take listed IN ORDER.  Students should have their songs completely written out by now, and they should have had their work checked by me.  As we are completing components of the project I write down the grade on each student’s project sheet—for example the title is Write, Read, Sing, Play, so once a student successfully completes the “Write” part of the project (copying the music onto their sheet) I write a 3 on top of Write on their sheet.
  • ·         Each component of the project is worth 3 points, and the reflection on the back is worth 3 points for a total of 15 points for the project (extra credit if they do an extra instrument, another language, or something extra with the project).
  • ·         I have keyboards in my classroom that the students will use for the Play portion of the project, unless they have another melodic instrument at home they'd like to play (including band, orchestra, guitar, ukulele, etc). Don’t worry if your child doesn’t take lessons and/or if you do not have an instrument at home.
  • ·         If your child needs coaching they may come by the Music room for help:  Third Grade during lunch time on Thursdays (not March 3) or Fridays OR they could stay after school until 3:30pm on Mondays or Wednesdays. Fourth and Fifth Graders may come during lunch/recees or after school on Mondays or Wednesdays. Students who stay after school should be picked up at the carpool lane at 3:30pm. Be sure to send a transportation change to your child’s teacher if they plan to stay.
  • ·         Please encourage your child to play/sing for me live instead of on video unless they are SURE all the parts are correct—if they perform live I can fix mistakes on the spot and get the check-offs over with quickly.
  • ·         If your child has questions please check out this entire blog post first, because I think I’ve posted information that covers most questions here.

Below is a helper video. You should be able to find everything you need on this post!

Deadlines & Things to Note:

  • Students may perform their project and turn in this Reflection & labeled song sheet any time between now and your Music class day during the week of March 1. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE DEADLINE to complete your performance parts! Start getting ready now!
  • As we get closer to the deadline there will be limited class time available. If we run out of class time your child may need to come sing/play during lunch or recess.
  • Students may submit their work via video, but a live performance is better so I can give immediate feedback and allow kids to keep polishing their work. I go by "Angry Bird Grading" for this project, so kids can keep trying until they receive 3 stars for each component. 
  • Don’t forget to turn in the Reflection and your labeled song sheet!

Below are some Music reading helpers:

C Major Solfege and finger numbers (up to 5)

F Major Solfege and finger numbers (up to 5)

G Major Solfege and finger numbers
                                            1     2        3      4       5                                    

Image result for d major scale
                                               Do        Re          Mi          Fa          So         La          Ti

D Major Scale

G Major scale
G major scale (piano)

F Major scale
F major scale piano fingering

all of the keyboard notes on the staff
Image result for "d major solfege"

Finger numbers
piano finger numbers

Music Georgia Performance Standards Covered in this project:

  • M_GM.1 a. Sing melodies expressively using appropriate head voice accompanied and unaccompanied. 
  • M_GM.1 c. The student will sing from memory multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures including at least one song in a foreign language. 
  • M_GM.2 a. Perform melodic patterns on an instrument from a major scale with appropriate technique. 
  • M_GM.2 b. Perform instrumental parts while other students sing or play contrasting parts. 
  • M_GM.3 a. Read rhythmic patterns including quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, half note, dotted half note and whole note using traditional symbols in 2/4, ¾ and 4/4 meter. 
  • M5GM.3 b. Notate rhythmic patterns including the use of quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, half notes, dotted half notes and whole notes in response to teacher performance. 
  • M_GM.3 c. Read melodies within a treble clef staff. 
  • M5GM.3 d. Notate simple melodies within a treble clef staff.

Friday, January 22, 2016

SPARK Sings "O, Canada" at the Gladiators game on January 16

Our Chorus/AC members did a wonderful job singing the Canadian National Anthem to honor the players at the Gladiators game. I'm very proud of their hard work, but even more than that, I'm proud of their sportsmanship and generous spirit.

After our kids sang "O, Canada" a group from St. Francis sang the "Star Spangled Banner". They sounded great, and when we all returned to our seating area our SPARK kids broke into spontaneous applause when the other choir walked past. It made me happy to be with such a warm and sweet group of kids, and believe me, they were delightful to be around while watching the game! They were DEFINITELY showing their smoove dance moves too! See below for the video, courtesy of Ms. Centner!

A closer video: