Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 29 Fall Friendship Festival Details OPTIONAL PERFORMANCE

UPDATE! If you have any photos/video to share please let Ms. Turgeon know!

MES students singing "The Power of the Dream"

If you did not stay for the Grady Orchestra Chorus you missed them performing "Ghost of John" AND "Stand by Me"!  AND you missed Shia LeBeouf

Grady Cluster's Elementary Chorus Fall Friendship Festival
at Grady High School’s Auditorium 
(Enter from 10th Street near the Grady Stadium. There is a parking lot there. To get to the auditorium go up the stairs and turn left)

WHEN? Thursday, October 29 4-6pm: 
WHY? For Chorus members from Hope/Hill, Mary Lin, Morningside, and SPARK to get to know some kids from our sister schools.  
ATTIRE? Music@SPARK uniform OR SPARK wear (shirts have been ordered, but if they’re not in wear a SPARK shirt. I have a few dark green Music@SPARK shirts to loan)

4pm meeting to play games with the kids from the other schools
4:15-ish each director rehearses the full group songs
4:50-ish each group gets with their director for final notes/practicing getting on stage
5:10 Concert
6pm finished/help set up for Grady’s concert which begins at 7pm!

SPARK: Shumayela, Wade/Motherless, Nottamun Town
ALL: Ghost of John, The Singing School, We Are Going to be Friends, Stand By Me

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chorus and AC Bonus Point!


Click here for an updated calendar to print!

Go to the AC/Chorus practice links page for lyrics and practice resources!

11/9 UPDATE: We've been invited to sing the National Anthem at a Georgia Tech basketball game. Please answer the survey with your child's availability on 11/27, 1/14, or 2/18. Sorry, all spots have been filled.

 Details about the performances are below. Please note, the performances are optional; however, please do all you can to enable your child to do our two major concerts on Dec. 3 and May 17. 

Thursday, December 3 time TBA--either  7pm call time 5:30pm, dressed, fed, and watered 
SPARK and Grady High School's Winter Chorus Concert
Come hear our wonderful SPARK Chorus and AC and stay to hear the fantastic Choruses from Grady High School, directed by Mr. Kevin Hill!

Saturday, Dec 5 Time 3-5pm
Caroling for Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes
Our SPARK Chorus and AC has been invited to go caroling during the Virginia Highland's Tour of Homes. We'll choose an hour or two to help spread some musical holiday cheer and sing some festive tunes for the guests! Please let me know your child's availability on that Saturday between 3--5pm!

Saturday, Jan. 16
Hockey New Year! Canadian Anthem at the Gladiators 
ALL Chorus, AC, and 4th and 5th Graders are invited to sing the English/French version of "O, Canada" at the Gladiators vs Greenville game! This is a fundraiser for the Chorus and AC, so the more fans we bring the more money we earn!

Statewide Elementary Honor Chorus Fri/Sat, Feb. 19-20 in Athens
Parker, Sophia, Sofia, and Jefferey will represent SPARK! AC rehearsal will be Thursday, Feb. 18.

LGPE March 2 or 3 (during school field trip for adjudicated performance)
LGPE is our yearly Large Group Performance Evaluation. Advanced Chorus has participated in LGPE for the past 3 years, and have earned Superior ratings each year. This year Ms. Turgeon would like to include Chorus in this event. Students will learn two very challenging choral works and demonstrate their sight-singing abilities.

March ___TBD 5th Grade Basketball Challenge 
Third, Fourth, and Fifth graders are invited to sing our National Anthem before this exciting students vs teachers game!

Saturday, April 23 INTERESTED in marching in the Inman Park Festival Parade? 
The Inman Park Festival Parade is a great opportunity to show school pride and celebrate in our community. We have not marched in the parade in a few years--are you ready to make a plan to make a splash this year? Let Ms. Turgeon know your ideas!

Tuesday, May 17 Chorus and AC's Spring Concert Somewhere in Time Location TBD
This concert will feature music from different eras and different places. It will either be in the SPARK Gym or (perhaps) at the Callanwolde Amphitheatre

INTERESTED in performing at Virginia Highland Summerfest Kidstage (June 6 or 7)?
The Virginia Highland Summerfest Kidstage is a great chance for our Chorus & AC or soloists/groups to perform in the community. Let Ms. Turgeon know if your child is interested in performing a set or with the Chorus/AC!