Monday, April 13, 2015

APS EC Fest Concert Video

SPARK had 7 fine singers who represented us beautifully at the first ever APS EC Fest on March 20-21 at Mays High School. Below is the concert video for all of the APS Choral Honor/EC Fest groups!

Congratulations to Anita, Ellery, Gigi, Josephine, Lyndsey, Mia, and Ryan!

Also, if you watch through to the High School Honor Chorus portion you will see our singers' musical grandfather, Dr. Greg Broughton from UGA. I studied voice with Dr. Broughton during my undergraduate days, and our studio consisted of a very tight-knit group of "big haired sopranos" with  Daddy Broughton at the helm. He really is like another father to me, and I'm so glad our kids got to meet him!

Image result for greg broughton  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Sing for Your Life Project

SING for your Life Project Sheet

Singing is part of human experience. We sing lullabies to babies, game songs as kids, birthday songs, songs to worship, songs to celebrate, to share, and to connect. Your project must include singing!

1.           Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 

You may sing for me in person (sign up for a time or see available times on my door) or send a video
You may work alone or with a total of 5 kids in your group (with parent notes from each group member)
For this project only you may work with ANY student in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. You may sing alone or with neighbors, friends, family members, strangers, stuffed animals, animate or inanimate objects...

Please do NOT: 

  • ·         Sing a song from the radio or pop culture unless you do something brand new or unique with it
  • Sing nursery rhymes or songs you know already unless you do something brand new or unique with it
  • Be self-conscious or afraid to try something new.
  • Forget to complete BOTH sides of your project sheet and turn it in.

Please DO: 
  • Have fun. 
  • Choose something you love or you've always wanted to try. 
  • Be creative and imaginative. 
  • Stretch past your comfort zone.
  • Be fearless.
  • Complete BOTH sides of your project sheet and turn it in.

My Grammy--June "Martin" and her big band.
Elvis passes the mic during our 10 year wedding anniversary renewal.

Singing some Iron Maiden for my birthday karaoke party

Due Dates 
(students may turn in projects any time between now and the dates listed. No late projects will be accepted):
Tuesday, May 5: Naman & Butler    
Wednesday, May 6: Mckie & Southcombe

Thursday, May 7: English/Badger, Windham/Badger, Hall, & Redel 

Friday, May 8: Neal/Badger, Lockwood/Badger, Thurman, & Riggins 

These girls already got a head start!

Don't forget to fill out the back of your Project Sheet completely!!