Monday, March 30, 2015

Save the Dates! Music@SPARK Spring Concerts!


Monday, May the 4th be with you! 6pm in the SPARK Gym (most likely)

Image result for dragon violin
Wednesday, May 6 at 6pm at the Mary Lin Auditorium (if it is ready--SPARK Gym if it's not)

Orchestra Cluster Concert 
Tuesday, May 12  6:30pm at the Grady HS Auditorium

CHORUS & AC Sing for your Life!

Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30pm in the SPARK Gym

Image result for virginia highland summerfest
ALSO, coming June 6 at 10:30am an opportunity to perform on the KidStage for the Virginia-Highland Summerfest! Chorus/AC members are requested, but individuals and groups are welcome to perform during our block of time!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

In Kahoots! March Music Madness!

Next week we're starting March Music Madness!
Image result for March Music Madness

Students will use Kahoot during Music class to determine our

Classroom Champions
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Grade Level Champions 
Image result for 50's elvis

and the SPARK 
Music Vocabulary Master Champion!

Image result for elvis cape

To use Kahoot you need wifi enabled devices—one for the questions and a device for each player to input answers (any computer, a smart phone, or a tablet will do).
1. Using the computer (tablet, smart phone), click the link below. This is your QUESTION device.
2. Using another device sign in at and create a user name.  This is your ANSWER device.
3. Start your quiz!
Lots of people can quiz together, so gather your friends and family and determine YOUR champion!

Practice links to the 
Kahoot March Music Madness Quizzes
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

I don't get do I Kahoot?
Watch this video!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When can I stay for Project help?

*the sticky notes are on my door at SPARK--kids can just put  a sticky to let me know when they're coming!