Tuesday, February 24, 2015

PROJECT Update: Write, Read, Sing, Play

"I'm sending a video. What should I include?"

A. M. included singing on the words, the solfege (with hand signals) and guitar. You only need to include singing solfege OR words (with hand signals) and a melodic instrument. 

Since school is cancelled for Wednesday, February 25 I decided to do a helper video and an update on project due dates.

Due date updates:
IF you are ready and can turn in your project on the original due dates during March 3-6 (or if you have already turned in your project) you will receive 2 points! Please do your best to be finished so you can earn these points!

If you need more time because of the snow day you may turn in your project the following week with no penalty.
Absolutely no projects will be accepted after the extension, because I must turn in grades for report cards.
Extended DEADlines:
Tuesday, March 10: Naman & Butler
Wednesday, March 11: Mckie & Southcombe
Thursday, March 12: English/Badger, Windham/Badger, Hall, Redel
Friday, March 13: Neal/Badger, Lockwood/Badger, Thurman, Riggins

Below is a helper video. You may also scroll down to the original Write, Read, Sing, Play post for other helpful information. You should be able to find everything you need on these posts!

Song Choices for Write, Read, Sing, Play please be aware that this document has 60+ pages--be careful to only print the page you want!  If the song your child chose is not present, please email me at bturgeon@atlanta.k12.ga.us 

Project Sheet for Write, Read, Sing, Play

Also, don't forget to bring your Flashcard Projects for March Music Madness!  

D Major Scale

G Major scale
G major scale (piano)

F Major scale
F major scale piano fingering

all of the keyboard notes on the staff
Image result for "d major solfege"

Finger numbers
piano finger numbers

AND, this video is for PARENTS and KIDS. It is the most important thing you could view today.

Believe in yourself. Allow yourself to grow and learn! Don't judge yourself, especially if you are a beginner. Allow yourself to really try and work toward a goal without tearing yourself down.  Please don't say, "I can't sing, dance, play an instrument, create, draw, write, dream..." "I'm not good at ________".  We are very hard on ourselves for not being perfect. It's okay to be human. Really. It's okay to be a beginner. You will grow and be better if you try. The trying is where the glory is!

Monday, February 23, 2015


The Advanced Chorus attended Large Group Performance Evaluation at North Atlanta High School this morning (2/23).  LGPE is a yearly event put on by the Georgia Music Educators' Association, and it is an opportunity for ensembles (Bands, Orchestras, and Choruses) to perform and receive feedback from Georgia's leading experts in those fields.  

While middle schools and high schools are expected to perform at LGPE, elementary schools rarely choose to participate, and it's even more seldom that elementary students participate in the Sight-singing adjudication, which is just what it sounds like--the kids get a piece of music, like the example below, and they sing it at sight with only a short, individual practice time.

The Advanced Chorus Performed "Pie Jesu" from the Faure Requiem, arranged by Brian Busch and "How Can I Keep from Singing" with Zoie A.as our soloist, arranged by Mary Donnelly and George O. Strid.

Each of three judge provides ratings and comments on their progress. Repertoire and sight-reading judges provide comments and a score. The scores are:


This year we earned Superiors from 2/3 of the Repertoire judges and Superior in Sight-singing, so overall we scored Superior. Our kids rock, and I'm so proud of their excellent work! Yaaaaaaayyyy!

Here are some comments from the judges:
  • Good interpretation of both pieces in terms of tempo, style, phrasing, & dynamics.
  • Great contrast in repertoire.
  • Good rhythmic energy.
  • Challenging repertoire, well prepared!
  • Sing from your hearts and toes!
  • Nice long phrases in "Pie Jesu"
  • Kudos to your soloist.
  • (Sight-singing judge) for the "Evidence of reading system in place" You know just what to do!", good listening, lovely tone. 
Aside from the Superior repertoire ratings the kids TOTALLY rocked sight-singing. We were given the choice of singing a (harder) 6th grade unison example OR a (sort of easier) 6th grade two-part example (melody and harmony at the same time, so it was not too easy). So we did them both. The judge was so delighted with their work! Yaaaaaaayyyy!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Write, Read, Sing, Play Project

Students are welcome to stay after school to practice most days until 3:30pm, except the following dates, so just give me a head’s up when you plan to come! Students may also come to practice during recess or lunch if I do not have a class at the time (check my schedule outside my door).

Not available:

February 19 & 20 (AC rehearsal)
February 23 (STAC meeting) 24 (Faculty meeting) & February 27 (AC rehearsal)
March 5 (Fine Arts meeting)

Song Choices for Write, Read, Sing, Play please be aware that this document has 60+ pages--be careful to only print the page you want!  If the song your child chose is not present, please email me at bturgeon@atlanta.k12.ga.us 

Project Sheet for Write, Read, Sing, Play

Music Georgia Performance Standards Covered in this project:

  • M_GM.1 a. Sing melodies expressively using appropriate head voice accompanied and unaccompanied. 
  • M_GM.1 c. The student will sing from memory multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures including at least one song in a foreign language. 
  • M_GM.2 a. Perform melodic patterns on an instrument from a major scale with appropriate technique. 
  • M_GM.2 b. Perform instrumental parts while other students sing or play contrasting parts. 
  • M_GM.3 a. Read rhythmic patterns including quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note, half note, dotted half note and whole note using traditional symbols in 2/4, ¾ and 4/4 meter. 
  • M5GM.3 b. Notate rhythmic patterns including the use of quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, half notes, dotted half notes and whole notes in response to teacher performance. 
  • M_GM.3 c. Read melodies within a treble clef staff. 
  • M5GM.3 d. Notate simple melodies within a treble clef staff.

The Write, Read, Sing, Play Project is a chance for you to show how you can apply your skills in music reading, singing, and playing instruments. All students will do each activity—Writing  notation, Reading from notation, Singing with solfege, and Playing on an instrument at their own ability level (some kids are great singers but don’t play, some play but don’t sing, some can read rhythms and pitches, some can just read rhythms). The singing and playing will be in private for Ms. Turgeon or on video only, unless the child chooses to sing/play in front of others.  The ultimate goal is not perfection, but meeting the standards (at least) and trying. 

Please do not use a teacher, parent, or youtube to learn the songs. The point of this project is for you to apply your skills at your level.

 How to get started: Choose a song, then:
1. WRITE the song on your song sheet. Be sure the notation is accurate!
2. READ the song from notation 
               a. Read the rhythms (on ta, ta-di, or ta, ti-ti…) keeping a steady beat
               b. Write in your solfege notes and instrumental notes (if you need them)
               c. Read the pitches with solfege hand signals and on your instrument (first with no rhythm, then with rhythm)
              d. Read the pitches and rhythms together
              e. Practice. A LOT. And try to memorize your song with the hand signals. 

3. SING the song for Ms. Turgeon live or via video with hand signals on solfege OR with text 
4. PLAY the song on a melodic instrument (Music room keyboard, Band or Orchestra instruments, your own instruments, other classroom instrument…) NO unpitched percussion (maracas, tambourine, bass drum...)

Due Dates & Things to Note:
  •          Students may perform their project and turn in this Reflection & labeled song sheet any time between now and your Music class day during the week of March 2. Start getting ready now!
  •          If students wish to do their performance during class or during recess they must sign up at least 2 school days in advance—there will be limited class time available. Sign-up sheets will be on the tables outside of the Music room.
  •         Ms. Turgeon can be available to let kids come practice on the keyboards or perform your project most days after school starting February 24 if you let me know in advance.
  •          Students may submit their work via video, but don’t forget to turn in the Reflection and your labeled song sheet!
               Students who wish to work with partners must bring a note!

Below are some Music reading helpers:

C Major Solfege and finger numbers (up to 5)

F Major Solfege and finger numbers (up to 5)

G Major Solfege and finger numbers
                                            1     2        3      4       5                                    

Image result for d major scale
                                               Do        Re          Mi          Fa          So         La          Ti

And "Happy Birthday" from some mice, just for fun: