Friday, March 28, 2014

1-2-3 Project

Download & Print the 1-2-3 Project sheet here

 Your project should relate to the following Science Topics:
Grade 3
Science Units:  
Habitats of Georgia
Rocks and soils 
Heat Energy
Interdependence of Man – Pollution/Conservation
Grade 4
Science Units:
Forces and Motion 
Stars and Solar System
Sound and Light
Grade 5
Science Units:
Cells and Microorganisms Classification Genetics Electricity/Magnet ism
Chemical and Physical Changes

You must only choose ONE project activity. Projects are worth 15 points (out of 100) toward your Fourth Quarter Music grade.
You're welcome to choose the project that works best with your schedule, upcoming projects, and other obligations. Please plan to dedicate 30 minutes a week toward completing this project.

Yes! A tune-able upright washtub bass!

Instrument is not really 3rd-5th grade appropriate. 

Malachi's 5th grade project 2012
Where do I find songs?
see the links or playlists below OR do a search for "science songs about ____________"

From RESA:
Symphony of Science: Scientists’ speeches autotuned into something compelling!

Hip Hop Songs for learning: (sign-in required)
Student username: student7275
Student password: student7275

Third Grade Songs and Playlist
Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary

Fourth Grade Songs and Playlist

Did you know NASA created a musical for kids?? Here are some songs!


Space Science

Fifth Grade Songs and Playlist 

Scroll to the next post for Chorus songs for The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars concert.