Today our Advanced Chorus participated in the Georgia Music Educators' Association LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluation), a judged festival in which students are rated on performance and sight reading.
Most of the groups that attend LGPE are from middle and high schools. This year there were only three elementary school groups: our AC from SPARK, Holy Innocents' Chorus, and choirs brought by our friend Ms. Goldstein at Swift.
The students performed "Moon at the Ruined Castle", a Japanese Folk Song, and two selections from Benjamin Britten's Friday Afternoons--"Cuckoo" and "Jazz Man". We were accompanied by one of my choral and keyboard heroes, Millie Turek, who really helped in the development of the pieces and has always offered support, suggestions, and insight into how to be the best singers and sight-readers we can be. Each judge rated our Music@SPARK Advanced Chorus as Superior (Level I), which is the highest score possible.
After the repertoire performance we headed downstairs for sight-reading. The judge Mr. Pittman reminded us that we were not required to sight-read because we're on the elementary level, but I decided prior to coming to LGPE that we should read and get feedback on our skills while we had the opportunity! Mr. Pittman allowed me a chance to choose if we were going to sing the easiest (6th grade unison) example or another more challenging example, and I think the students would have been annoyed if I took it easy on them, so we went for a challenge. (Of course we did!).While our performance of the excerpt was not perfect, the reading skills the singers have developed are strong. I am so glad that all of the hard work paid off, and we are pleased with our Superior rating in sight-reading!
I am grateful, humbled, and joyful to be able to teach these young people, and all of the kids at SPARK, no matter our rating! The students have worked very hard to achieve this honor, and I'm so glad others see the work they've done! Be sure to congratulate our AC kids when you see them! A full complement of Superior ratings! Way to go, kids!
With joy and music,
Ms. Turgeon
Audio recordings of our performances:
Moon at the Ruined Castle
Jazz Man