Go to: groups.gwinnettgladiators.com
USE CODE: SPRK1019 Tickets will be available at Will Call on game night
Premium/Corner Seats _______ x $15 = ______
Save $3 off of the Day of Game Walk up Prices
Also, the Music Card Project is due this week:
Smiley & Riggins Due Oct. 1st
English, Windham/Thurman B, Hall, Lockwood
Due Oct. 3rd
Badger, Naman/Thurman A, Butler*, Redel
Due Oct. 4th
*Your child should turn in the following in a baggie with their name & homeroom teacher's name:
- Vocabulary Cards (word & number, definition in a complete sentence, & *symbols, student name on each card)
- Line and Space note cards (a staff with a treble clef on each card, one note per card on each line and space note)
- Reflection Sheet (reflecting on GPS progress & other questions)
All of this information was reviewed in class last week.