Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fourth Quarter Project Info and Island Music Playlist

Ake Tonu

How to learn Maori Poi

Projects DUE on your Music class day 
during the week of April 29th 
The project must be performed or turned in by this date 
WITH the appropriate rubric completed (below)
For the “live” activities you must sign up for a time with Ms. Turgeon between April 29th and May 3rd or submit a video by your due date.
Tuesday Classes: Project--April 30th—Music Chart & Reflection May 14th
Thursday Classes: Project--May 2nd—Music Chart & Reflection May 16th
Friday Classes: Project--May 3rd—Music Chart & Reflection May 17th 
(5th graders who are going to Wahsega may turn their reflections in on Monday, May 13th or Friday, May 17th)
Absolutely no projects will be accepted after Monday, May 6th. Late projects=lost points.
Early projects are always welcome and are worth bonus points!!
Students who do not turn in or complete a project activity should plan to take the “Anything Quiz” before or after school on May 6th (before school if they work quickly, after school if they'll need more time to finish)

Lyrics Sheet for Island Music

SOLO Rubric
GROUP Rubric

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Project Choices
4th and 5th grades may choose from this list or Concert Project Choices below
Submit your project by:
 Sing a song on solfege (from a list of choices) Sight-sing a song (from a list of choices)
Live or video & Rubric
Compose an original piece using notation and a staff. You must be able to play what you write!
Paper & video
& Rubric
*Create a lesson that connects music with another subject, era, or activity in your life.
& Rubric
Create/write a song using musical technology (Finale Notepad, Sibelius, Garage Band).
Jump drive/CD
& Rubric
Write a concert review, current events article, listening map, or other non-fiction story using music vocabulary.
Paper & Rubric
Take the “Anything Quiz” (a quiz that covers anything we’ve studied all year).
This quiz will be given Monday, May 6th before and after school in the Music room 7:45am. and 3:15pm.
Live before/after school on May 6th 
FINALE DOWNLOAD here: Finale Notepad

Other Choices for 4th & 5th Grade --Concert Project Choices 
(third graders MAY choose these items, but must talk to me first)
For the “live” activities you must sign up for a time with Ms. Turgeon between April 29th and May 3rd
NO late “live” activities will be accepted.

Musical Activity
How you can learn it
*E Papa Wairi
Guitar, Stick game
& Rubric
Video on the blog playlist above (watch the video for ideas then make up your own version with friends (groups of 4)
*Ake Tonu
Guitar, Dance, Haka
& Rubric
Before school rehearsal in the Music room
*Turn the World Around
& Rubric
Create a percussion accompaniment that goes along to the song (it’s in 5/8!!)
Glockenspiel, flute or recorder
& Rubric
Dance: Video on the blog playlist above 
Accompaniment: read and learn from sheet music
*Jamaican Farewell
xylophone/ drums
& Rubric
Accompaniment: read and learn from sheet music
*Going to a Hukilau
& Rubric
Dance: video on the blog playlist  
Guitar: sheet music/chords and video
*Molly Malone
Guitar Solo singing parts & Rubric
Dance: Student created groups of 4 minimum 
Guitar: sheet music/chords and video

*Students may work with a partner or group (up to 4) on the projects with an asterisk (*) if I receive a note from each child’s parents indicating that you know the kids are working together by April 19th.  
Groups must show proof that each person contributed to the final product and complete a group rubric..
The best Concert Projects may be part of our SPRING CONCERT on May 13th!  If your child has questions I am available every morning before school from 7:45-8:00am.

Going to a Hukilau dance